5. Light me up.

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Moonbyul POV:
(Songs recommended for this chapter: somethin Kinda Crazy- red velvet & wicked games- The Weeknd)
(Mild explicit content)

Its been 2 weeks since me and solar kissed and ever since its been very awkward and quiet between us. I can't help but think about her. I cant control this feeling I get in my stomach; as if its butterflies. Its around 11:58 pm right now. I sit by the windowsill admiring the moonstruck self I am. Ever since that night, it's been sunny outside. I glance over at solar. She's studying for mid terms. She's been stressing over the English unit. She lets out a small grunt and puts her notebook on her face, hiding her stress. I walk over and sit on the edge of her bed while she groans. I lift up the note book and tell her,
"you know, literally slamming the notes into your head isn't going to help you remember." She squints her eyes at me.
"Well, if you're soooo good at English, why don't you help me?"
She smirks as I roll my eyes.
"That's what I came here for. What don't you get?"
She sits up,
I sigh,
"don't you think instead of drawing in your notebook you should've listened?"
She chuckles as she shakes her head.
"Says the one who sleeps 2/3 of class!"
I laugh and open her notes. For the most part she has really good notes, minus the little hearts and doodles on the side of her paper. "How do you usually study?"
She goes blank.
"Uhhhhh.. I don't?"
This is gonna be harder than I thought.
"Have you heard of this type of method? Where you do something to remind you of the answers?"
She looks curious.
"Does it actually work?"
"I've never tried it, but maybe it will for you." She sighs and falls back into her original spot. "What can i do to remember these grammar rules?"
I'm blank.
"I have no idea."
We both think for a second, until she rockets up turning red; looking down at the floor, gripping the edge of the bed. I wonder what she thought of..
"did you figure out something?"
She takes a quick glance at me, then looks back down.
"It's a bad idea.. i wouldn't do it.. its quite-"
I elbow her side,
"solar, I bet it isn't as bad as you think."
Her face turns even more red as she clenches her hands harder.
"I was- ...was thinking since its all I ever think about nowadays, if.. I kiss you I will remember.."
I start getting that warm feeling again heat up in my chest, moving up to my cheeks. So she cant get her mind off of that too? Speaking of which; We haven't had a talk about what that was.
"You uh, we uh.. haven't talked about what that was."
She looks at me, turning her body facing mine, then looks down and fiddles with her fingers.
"I had the same feeling you were talking about, and- .... and I didn't know how to control it. It all happened and I enjoyed it a lot."
She turns her head.
"I don't know what's happening to me, so I've been keeping my distance; thinking you didn't want to talk to me after it."
I reach for her hand as she looks down at it. "Solar, i-... I've been dealing with it just like you." She looks up revealing a surprised look on her face. I was afraid it was all a one time thing, and I couldn't help but feel butterflies when it happened... it- ... it was such a nice feeling, and I didn't want it to end. I was afraid you would think of me wrongly after making the move."
I look away trying to stop the sweat running down my forehead. I look back and find her smiling, but it was the seductive one again. She laughs and tells me,
"I know you like girls. I mean its pretty obvious now that I think of it."
I'm startled by how upfront it was.
"Oh.. well that was easier to explain than I thought it would be."
She laughs and we find the hand I grabbed, would soon be intertwined into mine. We both smile as it happens. This time we aren't in the rain, on the roof of a party. Its us, this bed, and the moonlight, reflecting on us. We look at eachother then it happens again. My lips fall into hers. Its as if she's a drug; I can't get enough of her taste. She reaches for my shirt and starts lifting it up, revealing my scar on my heart. She looks and then her face grows concerned. She looks at me then back at the scar.
"What is that..?"
She caresses the mark it made then looks at me. I didn't know we'd talk about this ever. I turn away. I don't want to bring it up right now. She grabs my face and moves it to hers. "Moonbyul.. I'm concerned."
After all, we did just open up to each other about our feelings. This is a big part of me though, am I really ready to let her know about it? I let out a sigh and look at the window. "When i was little, i had a tumor growing on my heart, and it caused a lot of issues as a child, but I finally got it removed 2 years ago and it left this scar down my chest."
I look at her,
"i haven't shown or told anyone about it before, besides relatives. Its not something you expect someone to have."
She looks down.
"I'm-.. I'm sorry. How terrifying..."
now I grab her face and face towards mine. "Solar, its nothing, I'm fine now. I'm here with you and not in the hospital."
She moves her face back as I move her hair back behind her ears.
"I'm so much more grateful to be here-... with.. with you."
She looks up showing me those famous red cheeks of hers.
"I'm glad you're here too."
After saying that she takes off her shirt, showing her pale skin once again. She leans in and then we intertwine once more. Her skin was warm and soft, as I let my lips touch hers as she lets out small moans. It feels as if I'm kissing and angel; so pure. She runs her fingertips down my back leaving me chills. The butterflies keep getting stronger and stronger. Every time I'm with her it happens. Every moment like this one. I think I finally have an answer to why i get this crazy feeling. I reach for her cheek-
I look at her and reply,
She makes her face serious,
"I-... i think I'm catching feelings, for you."
lets a smile appear slowly and lets out a sigh after chucking. Shaking her head,
"I never knew it would feel so good to like a girl, but then I met you, and this past month I figured it out. I figured out what the feeling was."
I'm star-stuck, but more anxious for her.
"What do you thinks gonna happen if people find out?"
Her eyes meet mine and lock. She bites her lip and grits her teeth. I cant help but feel my face get warm.
"Then let it happen,"
she moves towards my cheek, leaving warm, sweet kisses down to my neck. I can't help but let out moans. Her touch is heavenly. I move my hands down and her sides, and as if things couldn't have gone bad: *BOOM*
"hey guys I wondering if you guys had any English no- WOAH WHAT THE HELL?!"
I fall off the bed from being startled and drag my shirt to cover my self with while Solar hides behind the covers. I finally look to see who it is. Oh my god.. we both look at eachother and burst out,

(Mwah ha ha!! Hopefully this is a good enough cliffhanger for you guys to hold onto. I'm so far having a blast writing this and want to thank you all for reading this and enjoying this journey! Xoxo - http_joyri)

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