City Ambience.

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Aliya didn't really leave her apartment. She didn't feel safe. She didn't like the looks she got as she walked down the street, wearing her hijab proudly. She hated the way that parents shielded their kids' eyes when she walked passed. She hated the way everyone thought that she was a terrorist, that she would suddenly try and hurt them all. She would never do that; she valued human life to much to kill it. Aliya hated how people disrespected her because of her religion, that they were scared of her because of those who did hurt people. She had nobody.

Except Peter.

Peter Halliday. The brave boy who lived in the apartment opposite her. He was her best- and only- friend, and he had been since her second year of high school. He shielded her against bullies, helped her with her schoolwork. He was there throughout everything; her first love, her first heartbreak, her first panic attack, her first time. He was there for everything. Yet, for the past week, he had been absent. His flat was empty, the lights off. Even his cat, Iron Man, wasn't around, meowing at their doors.

Aliya sat back into the plush cushions of her sofa, reaching for her phone. She had a message from her friends Maya and Adrian, asking if she and Peter wanted to come round for dinner one night. Aliya said yes, and turned the screen off, the click echoing in the empty room. It was getting late now, the sun was setting, casting golden rays across the floor of her living room. She wondered where Peter was.

Was he on a college trip? Did he go to visit family? Or was he on holiday, and he forgot to tell Aliya? Did he move out whilst she was back in Islam to visit her own family? Aliya was dragged out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. She walked into the hallway and looked through the peep-hole; Peter was stood outside!

She flung open the door and flew into his arms, almost crying with happiness. Peter squeezed her back.

"Peter! I've missed you!" She cried, burying her head in his shoulder. Peter smiled.

"I've missed you too. I've been in Nepal!" He said excitedly. Aliya's eyed widened.

"Really? You've always wanted to go!"

"I know! It was awesome!" Peter's face lit up. Aliya smiled. She liked it when Peter was happy. His entire face was shining, his brunette curls bouncing as he spoke. Aliya dragged him inside.

"We went to build a school! We helped! Oh my God, Aliya it was everything I dreamed of!" Peter was bouncing on the balls of his feet. Aliya laughed.

"Come on, I want to hear all about it!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the living room. As she passed the sofa, her foot caught on the leg, and the pair went tumbling onto the ground. Peter fell on top of Aliya, and her hijab began to fall off. Peter gently moved the fabric back into place.

His legs were tangled with her own, both of his arms on either side of his head, holding himself up. Aliya blushed. She had had a crush on Peter since she had met him, and it had failed to fade. Being in this intimate position made her face turn tomato red. Peter giggled and poked her nose.

"Your blushing." He whispered. Aliya nodded.

"You're cute." She murmured back. Peter grinned.

Then he gently placed his lips on her own, and---

Came crashing down on top of her. An elbow dug into her stomach, his face was just above her breasts. He had fallen completely on top of Aliya, loosing balance when he kissed. Aliya let out a breath of pain and laughed.

Peter joined in, their giddy giggles echoing though the apartment as Peter pulled Aliya close, kissing her forehead as they cuddled, illuminated by the light of the moon coming in through the window.

While people may be scared of Aliya's religion, she knew that Peter Halliday would never be scared of her. (Unless, of course, he did something immensely stupid. Then he'd be scared).

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