chapter eleven

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     Harry and his friends made their way to the great hall for breakfast, with Ron helping Harry get one of the heavy doors open. After taking such a rough game of quidditch, Harry felt as though he had no energy left, and was as fragile as glass. He told Madam Pomfrey he was okay, but still had throbbing pains all over his body, especially his head. He was starting to feel a bit better due to the pain medication that had been given to him ten minutes prior, but the loud chatter in the great hall wasn't helping.

Everyone was laughing and talking with their friends as they ate their breakfast, most of the students feeling energized and prepared for the day. It seemed that every pair of eyes turned to look at the Golden Trio though as one of the great hall doors shut behind them.

Harry awkwardly made it to his seat at the Gryffindor table, with Ron and Hermione sitting across from him. As soon as they all sat down, everyone turned their attention back to what they were doing a minute ago. All except a few curious sets of eyes.

"Hey, Potter, what happened to you? Did you fall out of bed?" Draco Malfoy hissed from the Slytherin table behind Harry.

"Quidditch accid-" Harry turned to answer him but was cut off by Ron.

"Shove off, Malfoy! It's none of your business." He exclaimed to the blonde boy, who just smirked in response.

"Quidditch, huh? Too bad I couldn't see that one. I'm sure it was quite hilarious to see you fall on your face!" Draco laughed with his friends before turning back around.

As much as Harry was annoyed by Draco's infuriating nature, he couldn't help feel relieved that Draco thought he had fallen on his face, rather than gotten punched in the face. It meant one less thing that Harry was going to get teased about by the students who weren't at the match, at least until word spread around the school about Harry's kerfuffle with Willow.

"Just ignore him, Harry." Hermione told the boy, earning a shrug in response as Harry fixed himself a small plate of breakfast. He wasn't feeling that hungry.

As Harry looked up from his plate to take a sip of pumpkin juice, his eyes locked with Willow. She had a look of sympathy written across her face, as if she felt bad for what she did to Harry. His cheek was a painting of blue and purple bruises, but the swelling had gone down significantly thanks to Madam Pomfrey's pain medication.

Willow flashed a small smile from the Ravenclaw table across the great hall, but Harry looked away without returning the expression. He was annoyed and in pain, due to how rough yesterday's match was. Harry had a hard enough time dodging the rain and bludgers, he certainly didn't expect to dodge—or fail to dodge—a fist as well.

Harry assumed he should apologize for cutting Willow off in the match, because his sudden burst of energy to catch the snitch is what got him punched in the first place. However, Harry managed to do a lot less damage than Willow. He wanted an apology from her as well, for putting him in the hospital wing for just over a day.

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