Chapter 1

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"Argggg" I yelled throwing one final kick at my instructor. The bell rang; the lesson was finished.

"Well done Mila!"  I turned around to face Nikola. He was swaggering up towards us nonchalantly.

Nikola smiled, a rare thing for him to do. He never liked to convey his emotions.

"Thank you Nik' I replied.  My face blank and showing no pride.

Nikola hated smugness and never tolerated it; after all I knew that by showing pride showed that it was not something you usually achieved therefore making it a weakness for your opponent to take advantage of.

"Anyway"  he said, "I did not come to congratulate you, I came to bring you inside." His voice once again returning it's harsh tone.

"Yes sir" I replied and followed him to headquarters.

Nikola turned back around, "oh and before you leave would you mind picking Grozdan of the floor?"

I looked at poor Grozdan laying on the floor lifeless. Although he was only knocked out he reminded me of my target last week.

Never mind better to be a killer than be killed I thought.

Ultimately he should've known not to mess with the Russian Mafia.

I picked up Gozdan and put him inside the gym.

Karasimira took him to the medical hall.

"Thanks Mira you da best" I laughed.

Her left lip twitched and her cheeks turned red. A smile formed on her lips and her eyes seemed to glisten.

She was shocked, most people who weren't spy's  were when I talked to them. After all I was a bit of a celebrity around here.  

"And yes I know your name" I grined practically reading her mind.

In fact I knew everyone's names at headquarters,not because I'm social I'm the exact opposite actually, but because I had trust issues.

When I was about six I learned everyones name, where they were from, what they did in headquarters, where they currently lived and who they were close too.

That way if any of them broke my trust I have their background information, secrets and their weaknesses.

But thats just who I am, a spy. I don't trust anyone, I never feel love and even if I did I would ruin it because I can not trust people.

I walked into the main hall of headquarters and looked around. Nikola was waiting for me in the lobby.

"Ahh Mila finally you're here" He said.

I looked on his blank face that showed no emotion. You could tell he was a spy.

"Yes I'm here, now what did you want to speak to me about? I questioned.

"Your new mission" he said. Nikola's voice was serious I could tell this mission wasn't going to be easy.

"Ok well who's my target?" I asked.

"Well thats the thing, we don't know. His face showed the smallest spark of redness in his cheek. I had never seen Nikola blush but then again I had never gone into a mission not knowing my target.

"Um, okay" I replied. So what exactly do you want me to do?

"We are sending you to LA where you will become a member of Team 10. They are a group of young social media stars, next you will become friends with them. They will trust you. Maybe even let you into their secrets. Once he had finished I had a think about how this would benefit me.

I would move out of the country, be a completely different girl, make friends, become famous and I would also gain respect from all the other spy's in headquarters.

I looked up at Nikola, he had a hopeful look in his eyes, "I'm in." I said simply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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