-All the girls are reunited on the backyard
Diana: Girls...
Rentzie: What?
Diana: I was thinking the other day while I was at the maket with Henri and Scott...The food its almost over
Belle: What do you mean?
Diana: That we have to look for help
Me: The other night I was talking about that with Andrey too...
Diana: Yes,I mean we really thought we will be here forever but no...
-Everyone it's sad-
Patty: It's true guys, we all know this day will come...
Natalie: Ok, we will start now...Alondra tomorrow you and Andrey are going to the beach make a big SOS sign with some trees or something...ok?
Me: Ok!
Natalie: Rentzie and Gustavo go a look for red things,like ballons,balls,flags etc.
Rentzie: Ok
Patty: Ok!
Natalie: Ok,Then Belle and Tate go to Office Max and look for a red papers
Belle: Ok
Natalie: Diana,Henri and I were going to be fixing the internet connections and talk to other countries to save us...
Patty: That's all we need?
Natalie: I hope it will be sufficient
*At night*
-I was having a nightmare and I go to Andrey's room go sleep and cuddle with him so I would have a nice sleep.
Me: (knocking) Can I sleep here?
Andrey: Sure...
-We enter-
Me: Mmmm...Smells very good
Andrey: I'm doing some popcorn...want some?
Me: Sure,It's one of my favorites snacks
Andrey: I know...Take,carefully it's hot
Me: Thanks!
-We cuddle and watched some TV-
Me: We made a plan to people see us and rescue us
Andrey: That great,we have to remember that we have a life before being here and that this it's going to end someday...
Me: Yeah,That's why we decided to do it
Andrey: Great...
*Natalie's Room*
-They are cuddle on the bed and listening music and making some coffee
Natalie: The girls and I were talking and we made a plan to people rescue us...
Henri: Mmm...(leaving the cup on the table) I was going to talk about that with you,The other day at the market with-
Natalie: She told me
Henri: So you know...And what are we going to do in this plan?
Natalie: You will see tomorrow (surbs and leaves the cup on the table)
Henri: Haha...
Natalie: What?
Henri: Nothing that you have some coffee over...here (kisses her)
Natalie: Mmm...It's clean now?
Henri: No,you still have some here (kisses her)
Natalie: Jaja and now?
Henri: No...over here (kisses her),and here (kisses her) and here...
Natalie: Jajaj stop it...
Henri: I'm cleaning it!
Natalie: Hahaha...
*Belle's Room*
Tate: (knocking) Can I sleep here?
Belle: Why?
Tate: Because I want to...
Belle: No...
Tate: Come on *Puppy eyes*
Belle: What do yoy have there?
Tate: Ohhh...I'll show you inside,but you don't want me to sleep with you..
Belle: Ok
Tate: Yes!
-They entered-
Belle: What you have there?
Tate: It was a surprise for you...Books!!!
Belle: What do you have???
Tate: Star Wars,Harry Potter,Rome and Juliet,Ann Frank,Divergent,Hunger Games, Lov-
Belle: What do you say?
Tate: Hunger Games?
Belle: No before!
Tate: Divergent?
Belle: Yes...Ohhh,give me that?
Tate: Why?
Belle: That's Diana's favorite book...
Tate: Then give it to her...
Belle: I will but nof now,later
Tate: Whatever you say (sitting on rhe sofa), But now come here and read thus one with me...(pointing)
Belle: What's the tittle of it?
Tate: "Love in the times of cholera"
Belle: Ok
-They sit on the sofa she was lying on his chest and he was reading loud-
Belle: The girls and I made a plan to leave the island
Tate: How?
Belle: You will see tomorrow,we are going to the Office Max and look for red paper
Tate: Ok
*Scott's Room*
Patty: (knocking) boring let's watch TV
Scott: Ok ( turning off the radio)
Patty: Oh no turn on the song!!
Scott: You like this song?
Patty: I love it ("Fix You by Coldplay")
Scott: That's one of my favorites
Patty: It's Legit,that's why!!!
Scott: Ok come...here an sit with'm me,Let's lusten music instead of TV
Patty: Ok,Oh tomorrow we're going to talk
Scott: About?
Patty: Go back to California
Scott: Seriously?
Patty: Yes
*Rentzie's Room*
Gustavo: Rentzie...
Rentzie: What?
Gustavo: I love you!
Rentzie: I love you too
Gustavo: Promise me you will never leave me even if we go back...
Rentzie: I promise, Oh talking of that!
Gustavo: What?
Rentzie: Tomorrow we have to look for ballons,balls etc.
Gustavo: Why?
Rentzie: You'll know tomorrow
Gustavo: Ok?!
[Remember to VOTE]
The 11 Teenagers
Teen FictionThis is the story about 11 best friends that had an accident and they are in a deserted island were people lived before. Obviously like all the stories it's about how the fall in love with each other too