Chapter 1: It Starts

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Golden orbs gazed at the woman's smooth petite face. Her sleeping figure holding on the his stronger body. Her long brunette hair laying messily on her. Her naked body enclosed to his.

That  raven haired male smiled softly at her before leaning in slowly and kissing her cheek. The woman stirred in her sleep softly and he chuckled. 

The woman opened a bright emerald eye and softly smiled back at him. The woman slowly sat up and looked at her wide eyed lover. 

"How long have you been up my love? "

"A couple hours now. "

She giggled at me before pulling my face close and kissing my lips softly. 

"Do you ever sleep? "

Chuckling I kissed her back before nuzzling her neck. My hand wrapping after her slim waist. I smiled

"Not around this time"

Claude smiled and chuckled. The woman stood up and stretched as golden hues stared at her back liking the view.  She yawned before grabbing her work clothes out the top closet. She then walked to the bathroom getting ready for work. 

I sat up and yawned. My body popping slightly at points giving soft relief. In the middle of my stretch the door suddenly slowly started to open. 

Golden hues connected to the wooden dark before lifting a smooth brow. The room felt as though it had gotten cooler but I didn't mind.  I stood up, naked body and all and smiled softly at the sunshine peering through the bright golden curtains.

"Hon I'll make you breakfast! "

I called out to her. She laughed that sweet warm laugh from in the bathroom.

"Thank you! "

Smooth hands reached down as I pulled a large shirt out of the cloth pile. It was bigger than me but I didn't mind. Putting it on,  I pulled on some boxers before leaving out the bedroom. 

I walked down the long hall,  the feeling of being watched didn't come until I was in the fridge looking for something to cook. 

Poking my head around I looked around the large kitchen but found no one around. Why would I, its only me and my wife here anyway.

I pulled out things to cook as the feeling got stronger. I decided to ignore it and make breakfast for my love. Didn't take too long, just some toast,  sausage,  and an eomlet. Nothing big.

She finally came down in her business suit and I smiled. She's so beautiful.

"I look good? "


I laughed as I hugged her waist and kissed her cheek. She giggled,  such a cute noise,  as she ate her food. After eating she walked to the door with a smile and her arms wide open.

"Hugs! "

I chuckled before running up on her and hugging her tightly into my chest. Telling her to stay safe and call me if I needed her, I let her go. Then she left.

I sighed softly feeling the loneliness already. The children wouldn't be here until 10 and it as on 7:50 in the morning. Claude ran his hand through his dark locks and closed the door.

Only jerking forward as I thought if felt a chest or something behind me. I turned but saw nothing. 

Maybe I'm imagining things. I have been awake since yesterday night.

The golden eyed male trailed back down the long hall to their shared room. He felt slightly uneasy but shook it off as he entered the room. Amongst seeing the large plush bed he grew tired.

Claude walked to the bed before pulling up the blankets and jumping in. Slowly but surely he grew comfortable and his eyes started to go blurry.

The dark haired male could've sworn he saw the door slowly open but he didn't care at this point. He then went into a dark haze and into the dreamland.

An hour or two went by before Claude felt a sensation on the back of his neck and in his pants. Waking up a little he chuckled sleepily.

"Hon? I thought you left. What are you doing here? "

No answer but he realized the sensations were kisses on his shoulder bone and a strong hand around his member.

He moaned softly and gently gave into the chuckled. He came so close to releasing when he heard a deep chuckle.

"Oh Claude,  so cute~"

His eyes snapped open and his body went completely rigid and he went quiet. That sounded nothing like Laura. It was male not to mention. The soft kissing mouth suddenly turned sadist and bit into Claude's shoulder.

The golden eyed male jerked and yelped feeling the blood already. He pulled away falling out the bed.  His hand holding his shoulder as he looked up at the bed. 

His eyes widening at a shocked point.

A ghost? 

The 'figure' had dark hair also,  darker than Claude's along with blood red orbs that was filled with amusement at the time. He was smirking at the golden hues male. 

"What's wrong, you enjoyed it when you slept. ~"

Claude hissed in anger. He had nothing against homosexual people but he wasn't gay himself and he didn't like his smirk.

Just ask he opened his mouth too ask a question to the ghost his doorbell wrung loudly. He glared at the figure.

"I don't know who you are but when I get back you better be either somewhere else in the house or gone all together. Got it? "

The other chuckled and put his ghostly hand over his chest. He bowed and smirk

"As you wish. "


Word count: 923

Yeah im stopping here. Hope it didn't sick too much. Im kinda sick right now but I hope everyone is having a lovely day. Except Donald trump.. Hope he dies but yeah don't forget to share, like, vote, and comment.

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