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Maddi's POV
We arrived to the hospital and I called Jovani and he said Julian is in room 6 second floor.Hunter and I opened the door and I saw Julian in a bed connection to all these machines
"Jovani what exactly happened "
"He took a handful of pills the doctors are still trying to get it out off his system "
The doctor came in and he took Jovani out of the room.Ariel,Jasmine, Loren and all the groupchat was there and we were all waiting for Jovani to come inside and tell us what the doctor said.
The door opened and it was Mario
"Mario what are you doing here "I said
"I came here to apologize and see how Julian is doing "
"Well as you can see he is not doing well and it's all because of your fault"
"I know I'm sorry I really am "
"It's not me you have to say sorry to "
Then Mario was next to Julian and he said
"Julian Im really sorry I don't think you're ever going to forgive me because I wouldn't either.....I'm sorry I did this to you"
I saw Julian open his eyes and say
"I forgive you Mario"
I quickly went for the doctor and he said that Julian was okay but that he had to stay another day in the hospital for observation.
We all decided to stay at the nearest hotel.The girls in one room and the boys in the other, unfortunately the rooms were next to eachother and they make a lot of noise.
"What a way of meeting eachother for the first time "Ariel said
"At least i got to meet you guys "
"So how are things with Hunter going "Loren said
"There going great I just love everything about him"
In the boys room
"So how are things with Maddi going"Weston said
"She is just perfect in every single way.....her smile it's just beautiful and her eyes are amazing her personality is like any other she is just the perfect girl for me"
"You guys are honestly goals"Mark said
The next day
Maddi's POV
Julian can finally go home now but we decided to have fun while we were there I mean we are already there right?

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