We all woke up again that morning and i was pleased to see Lolbit still in my arms. Just then, she opened her big eyes and smiled at me, i smiled back.
We got up and i carried her then we sat at a table. It was early so everyone else was still asleep. Then i got an idea, i ran over to a reading corner where the kids could read stories and grabbed a few books and brought them back to the table.
"Im gonna teach you to read and talk english!" i told her excitedly she nodded and loved the idea. So i moved next to her and we started.
3 hours later
Chica, Bonnie, Freddy, and Mangle finally woke up. They all came over to us to see what we were up to. "Hey! Whatcha guys doing?" Freddy asked "Foxy taught me to read and speak english!" Lolbit answered happily.
Everyone looked at her then me then her then me then her then me then...you guys get the point.
Anyway, they were so surprised! It was actually kinda funny, "how long have you two been doing this?" Mangle asked suspiciously "about three hours" Lolbit told her.
One thing i was starting to realize is that i was falling out of love with mangle but i knew that she would get really upset. I really didnt know what to say to her but i knew i had to tell her.
So I told her to meet me in the parts and service room. I was waiting for about 5 minutes before she met up with me. "So how come you wanted me here?" she inquired "sigh...listen Mangle i've been giving this some thought and my love for you isnt as strong as it was...i dont love you anymore" i explained.
She looked at me and tears came to her eyes then she had a mad expression on her face and she slapped me in the face really hard then ran out of the room.
I stood there for a few minutes feeling like a jerk when suddenly i heard the door open again i looked up to see Lolbit crawling on the ground towards me. I picked her up and brought her back to my cove then we just talked for a while.
Finally the time came when Chica told us dinnner was ready. Since it was christmas eve she made us egg rolls, pasta, pizza, french fries, burgers, hot dogs, milkshakes, salads, macaroni and cheese, chicken fried rice, and for dessert we had ice cream, candy, cake, chocolate, cupcakes, and snowcones.
While we ate we watched movies and played games. As we ate and partied and had the best time ever, the minutes turned to hours and it got late. So we had a big clean up then went to bed.
Foxy x Lolbit
Fanfictioni have a new ship obsession! #Foxbit is my new favourite ship! Of course I still ship #Fangle but #Foxbit is my new fave!