<anime> prank calls

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Anime prank call- Death The Kid

Me: sooo… wanna prank call someone? Ive wanted to do this for a while

JM: we are getting Kid.

Me: sounds good…I already have a plan *smirks* but I’ll need your help *whispers*

JM: got it *disappears in cloud of smoke*

Me: *dials* hello? Is this Death The Kid?

Kid: yes, what is it?

Me: this is Silvia Micky with The Internatinal Trans-dimensional Bureau of Symmetry. We

have been told that your house has a breach of protocol

Kid: what?! Where!?

Me: uhh…*lightbulb* in your closet! In the hall closet we will tell you exactly how to

solve the problem… but first you must lock yourself in it

Kid: Right away! *rushes to closet and locks himself in* okay, so what now?

Me: spin in a circle and chant ‘I want maka albarn’ for 5 minutes

Kid: WHAT? WHY!? That’s much to embarrassing… O/////O

Me: do you want symmetry? Or dignity?

Kid: uhhh…okay… but only for the symmetry…. I want maka albarn, I want maka albarn, …

                                             ---- 5 minutes later---

JM: *appears next to me* is he still chanting?

Me: hai…is it done?

JM: *evil grin* it is done

Me: *back on phone* okay, you can leave the closet now, we have taken care of all


Kid: what? *walks out of closet* AHHHHH! MY HOUSE! MY BEAUTIFUL

SYMMETRICAL HOUSE! You asymmetrical bastard! I will track you down and kill you!  Just as soon as I fix my house… *collapses into sobbing mess cursing the lack of symmetry*

Me: *cackles evillliy* what did you do? I only said to mess it up a bit…

JM: well, when he does get out of his rant it will take him a while to clean up … ^_^

Me: O_O I don’t want to know. That way, if the cops call, I don’t know anything

JM: don’t worry! Leave no trace is my motto!

Me: -_- not helping... however *plays recording* I might send this to a ceratin  scythe…


Recording: I want maka albarn, I want maka albarn, I want maka albarn, ….

JM: you wouldn’t…

Me: oops! Hit send! And now… *hacks survaliance camera*

JM: O_O I feel so bad for Kid…


Kid: *still in fetal position* why…why…why…why…

                                       -spirit crashes through window-

Spirit: papa wont let you have maka! *stars in eyes* papa will save his little girl!

*lunges at Kid*

Kid: what?! AHHH! DON’T-

                            ---the following has been removed do to extreme violence---

Me: wow O_O

JM: I know… we should have helped him, I feel bad for poor Ki-

Me: I know, poor spirit had to do all the damage on his own…I would have helped…

JM: I cant even respond to that. O_O

so there you have it! i was so inspried by otakufox's that i had to try for myself...let me know what you think! i will do requests, but the next two calls are already planned, next will be maid-sama, and the one after that will be my sebby-chan! oh...right... i dont own any of the charaters, exept for myself, and tennantdavid owns JM. i think thats it...oh and the next one will be done with meg ^_^  she has some great ideas! be expecting an update soon! ---LG out, attack on titain to watch...*cheers for anime*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2014 ⏰

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