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Warning: Some of the people mentioned may die in this story )': be prepared


"Raven! You're gonna be late!" My mom warned, as I was just waking up. I shot up from my bed and looked at the clock, 7:30am. I still had time to get ready, but not a lot.

I jumped up, "I'm almost ready, I just need to find my shoes!" I yelled, obviously lying.

I'm so fucking dead.

I ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower, which lead to me nearly falling whilst getting out. I dried off and put on my black skinny jeans, and a white 'I love Bad Boys' top. Then I grabbed a brush and quickly brushed through my wet curly brown hair while attempting to put on my black high tops.

"Raven!" My mom yelled, wanting me to hurry up and get my butt down the stairs.

"Mom!" I yelled back, rolling my eyes at her attitude towards me.

Oh yeah, the sass is real my friend.

"What was that?" she yelled, sounding a little pissed.

Well who the hell pissed in her cheerios this morning.

"Oh nothing mother!" I shouted back sarcastically, running over to my makeup mirror.

I put on a light layer of makeup and put a beanie on to hide my bad hair day. Then I took a look in the mirror, I cringed. I guess I looked good enough right? I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs.

"Don't forget your skateboard!" Mom called out, as I was out the front door.

I cursed under my breath and went back inside.

"And mom" I said, she looked up at me, "This is a longboard"

"I don't care," she laughed, "Remember you have to pick Emma up from dance practice"

"Oh my gosh, fine" I rolled my eyes, as I grabbed my long-board. I grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door.

"First day of school, new school, new town, new friends and new whores," I muttered under my breath, as I passed a group of preppy bitches walking by.

When I arrived, no one was around. I was late like usual. I walked inside the school doors and saw the office sign. I went in and saw a old woman sitting at the Secretary's desk.

"What do you need, love?" she asked giving me a smile.

"Umm, my name is Raven Marx, and I'm new here" I mumbled bashfully, old people frightened me a bit.

"Oh no need to be shy, hun," she smiled giving me a piece of paper, "Here you go, have a nice day."

I quietly thanked her and left the office. I looked down at my schedule, I had homeroom. I continued to look at my schedule. Then I ended up colliding into something and fell onto my butt.

"Omg, what a freak!" I heard a girl squeak out rudely.

What the fuck was that.

I looked up and saw 3 girls, who looked like dolls, laughing at me. I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Um hi, who exactly are you?" I laughed, speaking in the same annoying voice she spoke with.

"I'm Alyssa" She hissed, rolling her eyes at me.

Bitch. I will cut you.

Then the second girl spoke up, "I'm Josie" she giggled, someone please kill me now.

The third one just gave me a 'If you talk to me I will kill you' look.

"That's Rebecca, she hates you" Josie laughed, oh god make it stop.

"That's nice" I smiled sarcastically, rolling my eyes

"So what are you?" Alyssa asked, making Josie giggle once again.

"Well, you see I am a human, a female to be precise and my name is Raven," I scoffed, "Now out of my way,"

"Whatever, loser" Alyssa hissed, "Watch your back" and then with a snap her whole "group" was gone.

"Oh yeah, my first enemies!" I cheered to myself, then I walked my way to English.

I walked into the opened door and was instantly stared at.

"Hello, you must be Raven, our new student!" The teacher smiled, making me feel awkward.

I nodded, "Well, um why don't you have a seat next to Tahlia!" he said, pointing to a girl with brownish hair and headphones on her ears. She had a nose stud that was bright green.

I nodded at her and she returned it, as I sat down by her. She was quiet and intimidated me.

"Fresh meat huh?" She asked suddenly, making me feel a little better.

"Sadly yes, I didn't even wanna move here." I said mentally thanking my mom for choosing to move me away from my old friends.

"American?" She asked, I nodded as she cracked a smile.

"You're alright kid." I smiled as she said this, feeling accepted.

I wrote down the notes on the board as everyone talked around me. Suddenly in one swift motion of the door, everyone went dead silent.

I looked up from my paper and saw Tahlia smirking at something. I followed her gaze and spotted a brown curly headed boy with tattoos covering his arms. He was also smirking, probably at the silent class and the effect he had on them.

"W-why are you late?" Mr. Sanders asked stuttering, making me roll my eyes.

"Why don't you mind your business," He snapped, making my jaw drop.

His voice was deeper than the grand canyon.

"No need to be rude," I muttered, continuing to write down my notes.

"Excuse me?" He said, what an asshole.

"I think you heard me." I stated, Tahlia giving me a warning look.

"I'm guessing you're new here." He smirked, "Or else you'd be scared of me too."

"Nothing scares me," I spat, "Not even punk ass losers like yourself."

"Ouch princess, that hurt." He said, putting a hand to his heart.

"Sorry I don't tolerate assholes who's egos are higher than their IQ's." I snapped, looking up at him.

"Well babe, may I ask for your name?" he whispered, his breath hitting my face.

"Mouthwash is a thing, babe." I said, mocking him.

"You never answered my question, love." He whispered into my ear, trying to make himself sound menacing.

"Raven Marx." I snapped through my gritted teeth.

"Harry Styles." He smirked, "You're gonna learn your place one day princess."

I scoffed at him, what a fucking joke. "I know my place and it's not here with you." I got up to leave, but he had grabbed my wrist pulling me back.

"Where do you think you're going, love?"

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