Sally 4 I love you

3 0 0

*Then she wakes up in her bed. and sits up faintly looking around the walls.

Feather: "I'm sick of this color..."

*She went over and touched the wall and the paint color turned completely a darker colored orange.

More bland and more dim from the nice bright sunset orange she had.

*She locked herself in her room for the whole entire day.

Raven, Claw, and Crow keep sitting by her door one by one trying to talk or give her food.

In the end all 3 of them sat there waiting until they all fell asleep.

Feather peeked through the door and took a sandwich and ate in her room.

When she was done she laied on the floor looking up to the ceiling and closed her eyes.

She saw Sally, and they both talked etc etc etc.

Sad and things happened.

Feather woke up in a jolt and quickly changed the paint color back and opened the door to wake up the others.

etc etc etc and blahhhhhh

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