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A- thanks 

K- your welcome 


( yes Caleb's alive for this story )

C- yes ans 

A- meet Kenzie and Hayden 

C- oh and Katie's here too you never told me that.

A- well 

C- Annie spill

She tells him everything 


A- well anyways let's eat Hayden Kenzie join us and y'all can stay here as long as you want.

K&H- thanks 

( Katie's pov ) 

I couldn't stop looking at Caleb I'm in love with him! Then my phone buzzes ruining my thoughts! It was from... Mia!?


K- Mia calm down I'm at Annie's house and Hayden is her friend

M- he's hot so he's gonna be mine 

K- well him and Annie are really hitting it off so good luck because I sense cemetery 

M- well that's gonna be me and Hayden 

K- by. Btw your crazy!

M- no I need your help 

K- bye Mia 

M- fine bye 😡

Um Annie can I talk to you for a moment with Hayden 

A- what's up Katie 

H- what's wrong 

K- look at this * shows texts *

A- oh no!

H- ew 

K- so you two pretend to be all lovey lovey 

KZ- hey I'm right here I've just heard everything it sounds like a good plan

A- ok well I see a car so Hayden?

H- I'm ready

Mia rushed through the door

M- oh Hayden I didn't know you were here 

K- Mia put on a shirt no one wants to see your bra

M- oh sorry I didn't realize 

H- Annie you look so cute

A- aww thanks 

( Annie's pov) 

I really do like Hayden but I think he likes Nadia

(Hayden's pov) 

I really do like Annie but I thinks she likes Luke 

H- so Annie I know Katie told us to pretend but I really do like you and I can't pretend anymore and I really just want you to be my princess 

A- aww I like you too and in real life and I don't want to pretend either 

H- so will you be my girlfriend Annie 

A- yes Hayden I love you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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