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"Life asked Death, 'Why do people love me but hate you?' Death replied, 'Because you're a beautiful lie and I'm a painful truth.'"



"Do you always sleep in for days at a time?"

Groggily, I stretched my arms above my head and yawned.

"Normally, yeah," I answered the smart-ass Dean Winchester as I rounded the corner into the living room. "It normally happens when I haven't slept in months, so back off, buddy." Dean raised his hands in surrender and made his way out the front door as I continued to the kitchen. "Morning," I mumbled my greeting to Sam and Bobby, leaning against the wall.

"Well look who woke up," Bobby replied with a hearty grin and I rolled my eyes, the corner of my lips twitching to a smile. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty."

"I'd prefer to be Merida, thanks." Sam hadn't said a word, focused intently on something on his laptop. He had a beer in his hand and I rolled my eyes. "Is that all you guys drink? Beer?" I asked to no one in particular, hoping for Sam to notice my presence.

"Damn straight," Bobby shrugged, grabbing himself one from the fridge and popping off the cap. I sighed.

"What's up with Moose?" Nodding my head in Sam's direction, Bobby just shrugged and leaned against the counter, his baseball cap tilted slightly.

"No idea. Last I saw, which was about two days ago, he was lookin' up folklore on you. Not only that, but he's lookin' up your family." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"All I can tell you is that I was abandoned at birth." Biting my lower lip, I felt an emotion tugging at my heart. What it was, I had no clue, but I ignored it and headed towards the front door. "I'm going to go see what Dean's up to," I called back to Bobby over my shoulder. Without a response, I made my way outside.

The sun was peeking just over the horizon line and I held up my hand to shield my eyes from the burning gaze of the star. Cool wind blew around my legs, and I remembered I was in a dress from the last time my wings enveloped me. Snapping my fingers, I changed my outfit from a black night gown to a black Halsey tank with a jean jacket overtop and blue jeans with my normal combat boots. Glancing around the wide open field in front of Bobby Singer's quaint home, I caught a sight of Dean working on his car with Castiel monitoring him. Jumping off the front porch, the closer I got to the two beings, the clearer I could hear their conversation.

"Cas, I don't trust her. That's final," Dean grunted from underneath the hood of the Impala.

"Dean, she's not like the others. She's different and more caring," Cas defended. Dean stood up straight, staring at Cas straight in the eyes.

"Yeah, well, for all we know she could have you under a spell!"

"Dean, just trust me on this. Please."

"Trust what?" I asked, breaking the conversation a bit on edge. "There like a...gay moment going on here or should I just-"

They both cut me off with a short "We aren't gay" and I let out a chuckle as Dean leaned back under the hood of the Impala. Leaning against the side of the car, Cas avoided making eye contact with me and I glared at him. If looks could kill, I'd be down in Hell with all the blood around him that was on my hands.

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