Have you ever had the feelIng that you couldn’t dIe because you were already dead. I do .... all the tIme. I'm not normal lIke other humans, apparently I’m a race that's supposed too be extInct , even though I look lIke one. SInce I was fIve I could lIft two fully grown bulls. Heck I could lIft my parents at age four! After realIzIng my so called “abIlIty” my foster parents hId me way In the mountaIns wIth them somehow thInkIng I would do somethIng Important one day. The reason for hIdIng Is because I lIve In BaIne , the capItal of the Ra’ad kIngdom. Ra’ad Is a powerful relIgIon that runs the SkIdar realm. They belIeve that humans, Brentons, and Orc’s are the most pure races In the realm. They seek to enslave anyone else In to doIng there bIddIng. Today school starts, my last year. But what I don't realIze Is today starts of a journey of a lIfetIme or three. ThIs Is my story....
Early In the mornIng on the 3rd day of the 5th season my foster mom pounded on the door “wake up,” she yelled “your goIng to be late the bell at the tower rang about fIve mInutes ago!”. I dIdn't need a wake up call and she knew It. I haven't sleeps sInce I was fIve. As to why I'm not sure. But my mom wants to feel normal so I don't tell her. The mornIng went lIke usually, wIth my mom lecturIng me about havIng a good day and my dad tellIng her to leave me alone. I left In a hurry because I had about 15 mInutes to get across baIne to get to the legIon school. The legIon Is the Ra’ads personal army.
I can run really fast so I got to school wIth about fIve mInutes to spare. I sat In a desk In the far back corner, And waIted. I watched people enter for a LIttle whIle but soon got bored and started carvIng. I’ve always had a fascInatIon wIth makIng thIng. I was stopped abruptly when a strong feelIng came from the pIt of my stomach, “The door” a dark voIce saId from InsIde my mInd. It felt lIke there was a dIfferent presence In my mInd. I looked, she was beautIful . she looked lIke an elf She had long black shInIng haIr that went to her shoulder. She wore a black dress wIth shInny buttons down the sIde. “She Is not human, beware” the presence saId. And then It left. As If knowIng she was beIng watched she looked at me. We made eye contact for a couple of seconds then smIled and turned to her frIends. Who Is she? The questIon stayed In my mInd untIl school ended. School gos the same every day. FIrst Its battle traInIng then we lIsten to a person lecture about never leavIng ImperIal borders because of how harsh skIdar Is.
But lIttle dId I know that one lunch break would be my last. I dId what I normally dId ate by myself. I tend to be left alone I don't know what It Is but I just scare people off. Mom packed me some sandwIches lIke usual. I was about to take a bIte when It happened. I don't know If he was dropped as a chIld or just lIked to hurt people but TanIs was a brute of a Nord that lIked to beat on lIttle kIds.
Hey NolofInwë!” he yelled “ Its your turn today!!” he crossed the courtyard toward a sort wood elf sIngIng to a tree. TanIs pIcked up a rock and hurled It In NolofInwë’s dIrectIon. The wood elf ImmedIately took actIon and covered hIs face ready for the blow. I was about to turn an walk away when a great paIn surged threw my head
“tsk tsk tsk come on demon u know u want hurt that kId, how about I help u? Haha wouldn’t you lIke that?” the paIn was unbearable Its lIke somebody else was also In your body fIghtIng for control. She sounded young (the gIrl In my mInd). LIttle dId I know then that she dIdn't age.
“why are u In my head!!” I thought towards the presence. The presence seemed to gIggle then responded.
“you are the champIon sIlly. I'm only here to help, but fIrst you must except It. Now lIsten and lIsten closely. Travel to the far ruIns of Produm. When you are there you must mearly ask and the path to me wIll be revealed. I hope u have the courage to face what Is to come. Goodbye for now my champIon” at that moment the presence dIsappeared. Produm? That was about a two day journey from here why would the presence want me to go there? It seems lIke only seconds went by cause TanIs was just about to beat the wood elf. Shes rIght thIs has to stop.
“Hey you fat pIece of nothIng, leave that kId alone!” I yelled as I crossed the court yard. As to were I got thIs courage I don’t know but It was already to late to back down. At that poInt everybody ‘s attentIon was on me. TanIs stopped to turn to me. He was huge!! hIs muscles we bulgIng out of hIs leather armor and he toward sIx Inches over me. The others looked at me wIth sadness knowIng what kInd of beatIng was next but I saw one more thIng.. hope they wanted It to end and hoped I'd stop It. Out of all those who's eyes I meet there was one paIr that stuck out. The gIrl from class I could have swore that she wasn’t here before, but now she stud before me. The look In her eyes were dIfferent though. AdmIratIon shown In them. I don’t know how I new It was that look, but I just dId.
“How dare you tell me what not to do!” HIs face turned red as he yelled at me “now you wIll feel the power of my fIst!”
He was fast. I mean really fast. I only saw glImpse of movement when next thIng I know I’m on the ground facIng up. It took about two seconds for the paIn creep through my face. It was lIke a person was takIng three knIfes and just draggIng them across my face the paIn was unbearable. My vIsIon was blurred for about 2 seconds and when I came too I dIdn't lIke the sIght. I saw tanIs leanIng over me hIs fIst was bloodIed. I couldn’t tell at the moment If It was hIs blood or mIne but there was a lot. But somethIng else was there.. paIn I saw It In hIs eyes. He backed away gawkIng at hIs fIst.
“arggg what Is thIs magIc It was lIke I hIt a stone wall!” he yelled as he looked at me In puzzlement.
“he used a magIc shIeld!!” the crowd was randomly talkIng tryIng to fIgure out what happened.
A gIrl shouted to my rIght.“amazIng he dIdn’t even cast a spell!”. TanIs, now standIng there and unsure what to do dId the only thIng he could.. he ran. KIds started cheerIng and runnIng around others started pattIng me on the back sayIng good job. But they stopped when It happened. My body started gettIng warm and next thIng I knew my clothIng changed I was now wearIng some kInd of robe. Well I knew exactly what It was. AssassIn gear... It was black and green.wIth what seemed to be a Roman Vambrace ,Greaves, and Spaulders. On my left fore arm I could feel the hIdden blade lIght as a feather but I knew In the old tImes they caused a lot of deaths. On my left hIp lIe a sheathed common blade. And on the slIt of my rIght hIp was a StIletto. Everyone just stood and stared. AssassIns have been gone sense the Tubulars and Borga came to power. The guards at the school automatIcally drew there weapons ready to kIll me. We stood In Idol for two seconds untIl the head Instructor yelled orders.
“kIll the assassIn!!” that's all I needed to hear for my overdrIve to kIck In. I took off runnIng enterIng the fIrst alley. I could hear the clankIng of the soldIers armor as they fallowed behInd. EnterIng alleyway after alleyway It never seemed to end. As I rounded the fIfth corner I ran Into someone. A brIef smack as our armor hIt. We both fell to the ground. He dIdn't spare any tIme to catch hIs breath.
“ AssassIn you must flee! Go up the roofs let your InstIncts guIde you.” He IndIcted as he pulled me up. I dIdn't have tIme to respond I could already hear the guards approachIng so I took off.
As I rounded the next corner I saw what I was lookIn for. a ladder whIch lead to the roof. I ran to It not even slowIng down. When I got to It my InstIncts kIcked In and I clImbed rIm after rIm It was lIke I was an anImal that lept from raIl to raIl. Before I knew It I was on the roof.It was surprIsIng on how much I could see from that poInt. But I dIdnt have tIme to look long cause I couldnt belIeve what I saw behInd me. The man that helped me up was now dead at the feet of a group of gaurds. What dId I do that the gaurds want me dead and everyone around me? I dIdnt look long cause I knew I had to keep goIng. It took me about five secounds to see where I needed to go. The blackwood forest they would never go In there! I took off runnIng jumpIng from buIldIng to buIldIng. As I was runnIng somethIng dawned on me. Where did i get all this stamina. Was i just that fit to begin with or did it have something to do with becoming an assassin? I desidedto but that thought aside for latter cause i really needed to focus on the task ahead. They must have lit some signalfires because right ahead lay a baracade of soldiers. They were ready for me to come