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I stand looking off the ledge wondering what to do then I close my eyes and listen.

I listen to the dark water flowing in the Abyss, I listen to wind brushing the trees, and I listen to the pebbles crackling under my shifting feet.

I breath in deeply, the cold air peircing my throat on it way to my lungs, winter is on its way but I’m not here to stay.  

I open my eyes and look down the jagged edge of the cliff, and without warning or thought I jump.

At first I was weightless, floating, then I was falling faster than the pebbles that I took with me. I fall being forced to listen to the howling of the wind in my ears, waiting for the water at the bottom to take me.

As I hit the water and whisper my good byes, so quietly that I can't hear them.

The wind steals my words as I hope the water will steal my blood, pain, and sorrow. Just to take them away and leave me peaceful and quiet.

The Shore is for the peaceful ones, the ones the Abyss has taken and accepted. At a place so sacred, so untouched, so unscarred, except where the peaceful ones lay.

The released ones. 

The thief of pain, the sadness of balance, and the taker of sorrow. Something needed to take it and bear the scars of life and pain and let us humans be free.

The Abyss is a gaurdian to It.

The Abyss is our unsung hero.


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