India POV: I snuck into the house trying hard not to wake him. All the lights were off and the fan was on. I slowly and silently closed the door and started my way upstairs trying to not to wake Trey up. Then a light turned on.... Trey "So yo ass cheating on me?!", Trey said as he stood their cracking his knuckles and his neck "No Trey I would never do that. I was just out because my mom called me and told me to go out for a run to the supermarket that's all", I said telling the whole truth. He just stood there chuckling "Yeah right. Yo jackass always lying. And you already know what happens when you do shit to piss me off, right?", Trey said as he slowly walked up to me "No Trey stop!", I screamed as he pushed me into the wall and slap me I was angry. I don't wanna do this! I slapped him back and ran. I tried running out the door but Trey got a hold of me and pulled me back He picked me up "TREY PLEASE STOP IM SORRY!", I screamed as he slammed me onto the ground. The first thing that hit the ground was my back and my head I yelled in pain as my tear started to fall down my eyes "Trey I didn't cheat. Leave me alone!", I said crying as I tried getting back up He kicked my stomach hard as I fell back. Oh shit! I got up and got a glass vase off the table and bashed him in the head with it. He didn't even fall, he just stood there looking even more pissed than last time. He got a glass cup and hit me across the face with it. Damn that shit HURT! I fell to the ground as tears just busted out. "TREY WHAT THE FUCKKK!", I yelled at him as I held my face in my hands I felt him move my hands from my face, I looked down at my hands and saw that there was blood all over them I screamed Trey got made and choked me while slowly picking me up. "Tr- Trey stop I- I can't breath", I said trying to catch my breath. He didn't care, he just started choking me tighter and tighter I put my hands in his face and tried pushing him away from me. He used his other hand and slapped me I just stop trying as tears slowly fell down my face, and the blood falling from the side of my eye and my cheek. He started realizing that I had enough of a punishment and let me go as he took his hands from around my neck. I fell to the ground and cried. Just laying there, in a form of a ball. Holding my stomach and the side of my face. Trey doesn't know that... I'm pregnant with his baby. I'm only 1 week pregnant. I was gonna tell him today, until this happened. I felt his arms wrap around my stomach and picked me up from off the ground. I continued to cry as I felt a cool and soft mattress, and I knew that I was in our bed. I got out of his arms and slowly crawled to the front of the bed, I was hurting really bad. I got into the covers and laid down. Trey took off his shirt and went into the bathroom. He came back moments later with tissues and alcohol. I sat up in the bed as I crawled in. "Close your eyes", he said as I did what I was told The alcohol was touched on my face along with the tissue. But it burnt. "Ouch" I hissed "Sorry" I nodded as I kept my eyes closed. "Ok I'm done" Trey said as he went back in the bathroom to put the things back When he came back I just looked at him. With hate, love, fear, anger. How am I suppose to tell him that I'm pregnant with his child!? "Uh Trey. I need to talk to you", I said with a low voice as he got back in bed. "What?", he said as he looked at me "I'm um, wait. If I tell you, promise me you won't get mad and think otherwise!", I said as I looked deep into his eyes He sighed "I promise", he said I nodded "Ok. So I'm pregnant-- with your child", I said already regretting the words coming from out of my mouth. As I covered my face. "Babe, this is great! Oh i love you", he said excited Really? "Uh yeah it is. I'm super excited too. But your actually not mad?", I asked still unsure "Mad about what? I'm gonna be a dad!", he said smiling and such "No but I mean your not mad that I didn't tell you sooner, cause I'm 1 week pregnant", I said "Well that way I'm kinda mad but I'm not mad to where I'm gonna punish you.", he said I nodded and looked away with fear. "Ok", I said lowly as I got Turned on one side of the bed, facing away from him. He turned off the lights and snuggled in bed "I love you" "I love you too" I said with a huge smile on my face I love him too much to let him go. Why won't I just leave him if He's treating me like this. It's not like he's gonna stop hurting me just because I'm pregnant with him baby.
All throughout the night, my stomach would start hurting. Like a sharp pain. I hope nothing is wrong with the baby.
In the morning, I woke up to the sun shine on my face. I turned around and saw Trey still asleep. The side of my face still hurt but I think I'm ok. I sat up but my stomach started to feel even sharper than it did last night "Ah", I hissed as I sat up on my elbows I slowly got up outta bed and looked over and saw, BLOOD! I screamed as loud as I could Trey instantly woke up and jumped outta bed "WHAT WHATS WRONG!?", Trey screamed looking around I pointed at the blood on my side of the bed. Trey's eyes widen as he covered him mouth My legs started shaking as everything went black. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I woke up slowly and saw that I was in a hospital bed. I looked over and saw Trey with his head down crying. "Trey?", I said softly He looked up at me with soooo much anger and hate in his eyes "YOU STUPID BITCH! YOU KILLED OUR CHILD!", Trey screamed as he walked over to me and started choking me "Trey stoppppppp!", I yelled as tears came from my eyes "No! YOU KILLED OUR CHILD NOW ITS YOUR TURN!", he yelled as his grip got wayyyy tighter I cried as I screeched for a doctor Like 30 seconds later 4 doctors came in and saw what Trey was doing to me. My breath was almost out. My eyes almost closed. The doctors rushed over to Trey and started pulling his hands from off my neck They finally got him off me. One of the doctors came over to me and asked if I was ok I started crying even more as I grabbed them closer to me in a hug and cried into her arm. "It's ok sweetheart. It ok", the doctor said as she caressed my hair I breathed heavily as I started calming down They took Trey out of the room but he tried to come back in here to choke me again. How did I kill the baby when he was the one that kicked ME in the stomach. I kept crying almost all day because my unborn baby was dead. "Mrs. Westbrooks. Do you want us to get all your things from your boyfriends house?", the nurse asked me as she peeked her head into my room door I nodded slowly moving my eyes towards her. "Ok we can do that. It's ok darling.", she said as she left out of the room I don't wanna talk about it..... All I wanna do is just stay away from Trey. I called my older brother, Shawn and asked him if I could stay with him for a while. And if course he said, yes. He's always looking out for me💙. I also told him what happened and he said he was gonna beat that niggas ass😂. I'm suppose to get out of here on Thursday and today is Tuesday so... I just wanna be safe... (India in MM👆) (Trey Below👇)
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