Chapter 8.

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 Fact: i Just drank two cups of coffee for no reason and i'm super hyper know so enjoy this crazy chapter

Also a lot of people keep message me about my spelling errors bitch it is currently 2: 15 a.m right know i'm not gonna search for every spelling error when i should be sleeping right know

Any way on with the story enjoy - luv u <3- Hannah


2 hours later of chasing each other around

we are know all settled down Ayala went to her apartment to change since she was soaked i had already changed i was wearing a white tank top black high waisted shorts a white and black plaid shirt tied around  my waist and my white and black vanes on And i left my long brown wavy hair down.

i walked out of my room after changing to find the boys on the couch Jack was taking most of the couch then it was Corbyn , Daniel, Zach ,Logan, and Jonah i sat on the floor in front of Jonah 

i was scrolling through instagram when i got a text 

Unknown: you look really pretty right know

Jade: who's this?

unknown: You have to figure that one out 

Jade: can i get a hint 

Unknown: Sure the hint is:  i'm one of the boys from why don't we and Logan would kill me if he knew i liked you 

Jade: ok can i have another hint?

Unknown: nope just that one 

Jade: pllllleeeeaaaasssee

Unknown: hey i just noticed i have those same shoes

i look up to see if anyone is looking at me i don't see anyone looking at me 

i look down and fix my the shirt that is tied around my waist when i see Jonah's shoes he has the same shoes as me i look up but Daniel  and Jack also have those same shoes

Jade: are you wearing those   same shoes?

Unknown: yep  indeed i am 

Jade: can i ask you something?

Unknown: go a head 

jade:  Do you have brown eyes

Unknown : maybe i do maybe i don't

Jade: that wasn't a answer

Unknown: sure it was 

real life know...

Logan: hey who wants to go to the park cause i'm bored and its a nice day

Corbyn: i'm down

Zach : sure why not

Jonah: oh i want to goo

Jack: as long as i don't see any poodles 

we all start laughing   

We are walking down the hall to the lobby  and i guess i wasn't paying attention  because Jonah stopped walking causeing  me to bump right into him i look up and don't see the other guys all i see is a person dressed in all black with a gun 

Jonah: Jade stand behind me he whispered

he was taller than me so if i was behind him you couldn't really see me

the black figure had a gun pointed at the guy at the front desk 

i don't see anyone else besides us the black figure the guy at the front desk and two little kids hiding behind a fake plant not to far from us 

Jade: Jonah there are little kids over there we need to get them they might get hurt 

Jonah: slowly back up and hide around the corner i will get the kids

Jade: i may have just met you the other day but i care enough about to not leave you with the possible chance of getting shot i whispered 

He stepped back a few inches back and i was know inches away from his back i see Jonah's phone sticking out of his side pocket i pulled his phone out of his pocket and called the police but quietly

Daniel turns the corner he sees what is going on and stops he is know right next to the little kids he grabs the kids and goes who knows where 

so know it is only me ,Jonah the guy with a gun and the guy at the front desk and we are in clear vision with the guy with a gun

me and Jonah are in the middle of a open hallway so if we moved the person with the gun would  see it 

The police came shortly no one got hurt maybe terrified for our lives but not hurt the guy who had a gun got sent to  jail and we where on our way to the parking garage.

Jade: thanks by the way i said still walking

Jonah: it wasn't a big deal he said and i stopped in my tracks 

i grabbed his wrist pulling him back so i could talk to him

Jade: it was too i could have died but you protected me 

he opened his mouth like he was going  to say something but didnt and looked at me for a few seconds and than gave me a huge hug


Jade grabbed my wrist pulling me back i was going to say something but i forgot what i was going to say when i looked in her eyes

Jade: it was to i could have died but you protected me

i looked her eyes a little longer than  hugged her 

Jonah: i would never let anything happen to you i say 

i let go of her and stared into her eyes she is bueatiful

Ah!!!!! Jonah what are you thinking you just met her yesterday what are you thinking!! WAIT!?! Do i like her?? oh crap i'm screwed! i thought to my self


Does Jonah have feelings for jade????

Who do think anonymous is????

When your writing a book about why don't we don't you just hate it when you spell Corbyn or Zach and then it says your spelling it wrong?!?! Like duh fuck no i'm not 

Well anyway comment your thoughts down below 

Luv u <3 - Hannah 

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