Parties Aren't Always Fun..

978 28 11

(Emily's POV)

I was at a party with Zach. I didn't wanna be here anymore. I didn't even know you had parties with alcohol and drugs in Middle School. I never been to one so I figured it'd be okay. Until someone pulled out some vodka things went bad from there. I stand by a wall trying to search for Zach. I lost him in the crowd. I know he'd never drink. There was only like 15 other people here so I'm guessing he had to be in the bathroom or he got scared and left. I'm hoping the first one. Jemma doesn't know I'm here, she thinks Zach and I are studying. If she found out I'd be grounded and in even more trouble when Dan came home, which I lost track of how long he's been gone. Should be back soon though. Zach approaches me and I smile. "There you are.." He says pulling me into a hug. "I went to the bathroom and got lost." He says and I laugh. "Wanna leave? Its getting a bit crazy." He says and as I go to answer someone yells "Everyone form a circle now!" and I sigh. "Why not." I say and drag Zach over to the circle, and we sit down. Most people looked either drunk or high. Some looked fairly sober though. "Okay, we're playing spin the bottle." Bailey, the one hosting this party says, while holding an empty bottle of wine. "This is gonna be a bit different. Once you spin the bottle, whoever it lands on, they have to take a shot, since some of you aren't even drinking. Than that person has to spin it. Kay?" She says and everyone cheers except a few of us Zach and I included. "Bad idea.." I mumble looking at Zach. "Emily!" Bailey says and I look up. "You spin first, and since your sober, I want you also to take a shot." She says handing me a shot glass, filled with clear liquid. Vodka. "I'm not allowed to drink.." I mumble and she smiles. "Come on. Its only on unless it lands on you. It won't hurt." She says and I sigh and slowly grab it. "Don't sip it, drunk it fast so its not as bad." She says and I nod and down it in one go and place the shot glass down while coughing. I could hear people cheering as my throat felt like it was on fire. It was disgusting. It tasted foul. I look up and spin the bottle quickly wanting to get this over with. It landed on a girl across from me and both of our eyes widen. I was hoping it'd land on Zach, honestly. "Sorry.." I say to Zach and he gives me a small smile. "Its fine. It doesn't mean anything I know." He says and I sigh. "Uhm I haven't had my first kiss yet so before I kiss her let me just do this." I say and turn to Zach pulling him in for a kiss. He kisses back and I pull away, my face heating up as everyone cheered and laughed. I go over to the girl kissing her quickly before sitting back down. This continued until we all got bored and Bailey came up with a crazier idea. "Let's play Truth or Dare!" She says. "Let's go Zach.." I mumble but Bailey makes me sit back down. "No one leaving until the party is over." She says and I sigh. "I'm not having fun anymore okay? I'm tired and my head hurts from those shots." I say. "Afraid your Daddy will be mad?" She says and I sigh. "Let's go." I say grabbing Zach's wrist, my vision blurry. I swing open the door, push Zach out and slam it before she can say anything. I giggle and grab Zach's hand in mine. "I love yooou." I say and he looks at me with a smile. "I love you too, Em." He says. He only had two shots while I had 4 so I'm way more drunk than him. We get to my house and I hug him goodbye before walking in. I go straight up to my room, and fall asleep, the tiredness taking over.


I wake up to the sun shining in my face and my alarm blaring, giving me a headache. "Shut up.." I mumble turning it off. My head was absolutely killing me. I get out of bed, and change, sighing in relied that today is Thursday. One more day of school. I can't wait till I'll be able to go right to bed when I get back from school. I brush out of hair putting in it a ponytail, not bothered to try and make my hair decent. I brush my teeth ad head downstairs. "Hey Jem." I say walking into the kitchen. "Hey." She says smiling brightly. "Why are you so smiley?" I ask with a small smile, taking a pain killer for my headache. Drinking was the worst mistake. Never again. "You'll see." She says and I shrug drinking a glass over water. "Welp imma head to school. Love you!" I say grabbing my book bag. "Love you too, Em." She says and as I open the door, I see Zach there, about to knock. I close the door and pull him into a hug. "Woah- what's wrong?" He asks. "My head hurts.. Don't let me drink ever ever again." I say and he presses a kiss to the top of my head. "I'm sorry, Love. Hopefully you feel better as the day goes on." He says and I nod. I kiss his cheek, and realize he was wearing the floral hoodie, that was white with a floral hood and the pocket in the front and the end of the serves were also floral. "I love when you wear that hoodie." I say hiding his hand. "Yeah? Its comfy." He says. "I swear you look good in anything like how." I say and he chuckles. We get to school and I hurry to my locker, waving Zach goodbye. Even though I see him in the next class. I go to my homeroom, humming a tune. I sit in my usual seat, and Bailey sits next to me. "Hey. Why'd you walk out?" She asks. "I honestly don't remember much." I say glancing at her. "Ah I see. Its fine, I understand. I get mean sometimes when I drink, sorry if I hurt your feelings." She says with a small smile, which I return. She goes back to her seat, and I fold my arms, putting my head down, the light bothering me. I hear someone knock on the frame of the door and then people start whispering. The hell? "Emily." I hear my teacher say and I look up at her. "Yeah?" I say. "Someone's here for you." She says and I turn around and gasp. There stood Dan, in the doorway, a bright smile on his face. "Dad!" I say standing up and running over, hugging him. "Hey! I missed you." He says hugging me back. "I missed you too." I say, now much happier, despite the killer headache I had. "I gotta go but I'll see you after you get back from school okay? I just wanted to see you." He says. "Can I come home..? My head hurts and I feel like I'm gonna be sick." I say. "Em I don't know if I could.." He says and look up at him. "Please Dad? Plus I haven't seen you in so long.." I say and he sighs. "Okay, grab your books, let's go.." He says and I let go of the hug, grabbing my books and walking out. On the way back the house Dan told me all about his tour, And I must say, even though I'm sad he left, I'm glad he had a good time meeting his fans. "Does your head really hurt that bad?" He asks. My head was placed to the window of the car, the coolness helping me. "Yeah.. it hurts a lot everything seems to make it hurt worse." I state. "Is it like a migraine or..?" He says and I shake my head. "No it's not as bad as that but close.." I say. "Do you know why? Did you not get enough sleep or..?" He says and I look down at my lap and fiddle with my fingers. "Oh no.." He says and I look at him. "It's not what I think it is.. is it?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Did you drink last night." He says the joking tone dropping completely from his voice and I look back down at my lap. "We'll talk when we get home." He says. Oh no. I knew I shouldn't have gone to the party.

Authors Note

I'm so sorry I took so long to get this book up! But here it is! I hope you enjoyed it! I love you guys and thanks for sticking with me ❤️

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