*Chapter Five*

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A sudden nudge to my shoulder woke me up from my dreamless sleep. I drowsily shifted my head, not wanting to wake up. My pillow though didn't seem as comfortable as I remembered it. In fact it was actually quite hard...and pointy.

"Birdie." Another nudge to my shoulder. "Birdie, hey Birdie, you need to wake up." Who in the world was talking to me? I have a room of my own! There shouldn't be anybody talking to me!

"Birdie! Don't ignore me!" I frowned, not sure what was going on and opened my eyes reluctantly.

"There ya go babe." I was still confused and slightly dazed but looked up towards where the voice was coming from.

My eyes were met by a pair of electric green eyes.

I stared at the emerald eyes for a second longer, until my eyes slid down to the chin that was directly below, then the neck, broad sholders, jean-clad legs. I nuzzled myself down on my pillow, trying to make myself a little more comfortable.

Another poke to my side made me groan in frustration. Then it hit me. The realization that I was sleeping on Luke's shoulder, made me quickly shift away from him. His eyes lit up in amusement and he chortled in response.

"Weren't so shy a few seconds ago." He said while leaning in towards me, his gaze burning into mine. I blushed in response, my cheeks heating up. Though, I refused to break eye contact. If he wasn't going to break eye contact with me, I surely wasn't going to. I pulled out my note pad, and without breaking eye contact I wrote him a little note.

At least I wasn't the creep watching me sleep.

His eyes shifted away from mine reluctantly and scanned the note quickly, suddenly he burst into laughter. I watched as he threw his head back and his Adam's apple moved up and down as his throaty laugh encased me. I leaned back into my chair, and smiled. I felt as if I had known Luke for years. It was comfortable and natural being around him.

I tucked one of my legs underneath me and turned towards him slightly. He was slowly regaining himself, a few small chuckles were still escaping from his lips, but he was calming down. I inspected him a little bit closer, and saw that his eyes crinkled when he laughed. His golden blonde hair was catching the sunlight and it made him glow.

Wait sunlight? Oh no, no! I was going to be in deep trouble!

Luke! How long have we been on this train? What time is it?!

I shook Luke's shoulder, until I had his attention and showed him what I had written. His face frowned slightly, and he took out his cell phone, then gave me a sheepish smile.

"It's 10:30 in the morning, we've been on this train for about twelve hours." Oh my gosh! I was going to be in so much trouble! By now the school surely knew I was gone! I had been planning to sneak back into the school before anybody even knew I was gone.

"I'm so sorry Birdie! I knew I should've woken you up, but I didn't want to. You looked so peaceful sleeping, I just couldn't." He shook his head, I couldn't help but giggle just a little. He truly did look sorry.

It's okay I hate that place anyway. I needed to escape for a day. (:

"No,no, no." He shook his head again. "I should've gotten you back on time."

I'm a grown women I am the only one accountable for myself and my actions. Don't worry about me.

He looked at me for a second, almost calculatingly. When he spoke up again, he spoke cautiously.

"Birdie... How old are you?"


I thought now was the perfect time to mess with him. As I watched him read the note, he paled slightly. His eyes skimmed the two numbers about twenty times and he chewed viciously on his bottom lip. I pulled my notepad back towards me and began scribbling once more.


"I just... Erm I mean... Well I just..." He coughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "No reason." He finally stammered out.

I'm just kidding. I'm 23. Do I really look like a 17 year old?

I saw Luke's shoulders relax a bit as he read my note. He shook his head, and I stuck out my tongue at him. Feeling a bit childish, but I didn't really care. Suddenly I felt the train's speed slowly decline, the screeching of metal on metal made the hair on my arms curl. I glanced out the window and vaguely remembered that it looked similar to the station we had boarded from last night, though since it had been so dark, it was hard for me to be certain.

Suddenly Luke's hand wrapped around mine and he pulled himself up, towing me along.

"This is our stop Birdie!" He said throwing a wide smile back in my direction. We exited the small car that we had been in and landed on the platform that was before us. The platform was littered with small benches and lamposts, though none of them were turned on at this time of day.

I watched as a few trees were shedding their leaves early. The trees barely beginning to change colors, making way for autumn. I had always had a special place in my heart for autumn. The unbelievable colors that trees changed, the warm drinks, mittens, and sweaters! Oh so many sweaters!

Luke tugged on my hand once more, pulling me along with me. I had forgotten that Luke was holding my hand. Now that I consciously knew that his hand was wrapped around mine, I couldn't stop but concentrate completely on it. I could feel the heat from his larger hands warming mine. The callouses on his hands felt so rough against my smooth, uncalloused hands.

I could feel my hands beginning to sweat, the beginning of persperation just starting to form on my palms. I slowly pulled my hand out of his. No way was I going to let him hold my gross sweaty hands. No sirre, not if I could help it.

Luke sent me a questioning glance but didn't vocalize anything, which I was greatful for. I didn't exactly want to tell him that I didn't want to hold his hand because of my sweaty ones.

As we reached Luke's sleek black car, my heart dropped. I didn't know what I was going to tell the headmistress, and I'm sure she was going to be infuriated. Most likely red in the face, a scowl etched into every pore of her body, as well as smoke trailing from her ears. I wasn't looking forward to my punishment.

I sighed as I reached for the door handle. But stopped as Luke leaned his body against the passenger door, stopping me from opening it. I glanced up at him confused. He was messing with the car keys in his hand. Flinging them from one hand to another, a small jingle sounding everytime he caught them.

"Hey Birdie," he said still focused on his keys, until he suddenly glanced up at me. His unwavering stare made my breath hitch.

"Do you want to do something crazy?"


Hope you liked this chapter! I actually wasn't planning to stop the chapter here but I like it. It's a very good cliffhanger :]

Anyways song for this chapter is: Hedley Young

Toodles ~ Cosmic_Tears

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