umbridge disaster 2

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Once she wakes up she Sees a circle of cats surrounding her. Suddenly one of the cats jumps and attacks umbridge,then the others follow Mr. Scrunckins lead and start to claw umbridge until....... She's no more. Hahahahahahah 😄😄😄

After the cats had finnished scratching umbridge they walked away with their heads In the air very proudly,haha

By this time umbridge is fed up of everything, she can't take it anymore. Then from pit of nowhere a cloud of pink appears from the sky and surrounds umbridge captivating her In a bubble of pink.

“YOU HAVE DISCRACED THE COLOUR PINK ”cam a booming voice from above

“But I-”


“I didn't mean to-”

“WEVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!!!!” The voice boomed. Suddenly the smoke of pink slowly started to close on her....
Suffercaring her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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