Čhåptęr øńē

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Falling head first from the tallest building of Ereville wasn't much of a news to me. I can just flip myself, gather wind on my feet then land perfectly on the ground. That was exactly what I did. It doesn't even take much energy.

Red. That's me. A proud Special Individual or an SI. One with the highest power among them all. Another fact is that Wind Gathering isn't my only power. Come on, I couldn't become the top-notch criminal of the world if I only have such power. It's got to be more than that!

Few troops that were waiting on the ground were surprised of my sudden appearance. Some even started to attack. After so many encounter we had, they have never learnt that attacking me head-on is a mistake. Must be something wrong with their brain. Seeing how many they are in numbers, I decided to use my power. The one that earned me a title as the 'Notorious Blood Hunter'. I closed my eyes and as they opened again, yellow irises replaced the crimson colored ones from before. The thunder stopped rumbling. The lightning disappeared as I called out my power from within. Wind blew down. Electricity sparked.

There was a strange moment of silence that filled the air as sparks of electricity went to each soldier within my maximum limit. The sparks of electricity entered in their bodies making them stop while I simply grab the bag I dropped during the fall earlier, tossed the bag iver my shoulder, and continued on my way.

One by one soldiers fell to the ground temporarily paralyzing each one of them. Some were still able to hold their stand for about ten to fifteen seconds but they still fell. Some unconscious. Some only paralyzed. This is my Shockwave. I have been branded 'dangerous' because of this ability. Actually, the Shockwave I used is called the Minor Shockwave and it doesn't kill, only paralyzation for hours or so. The one that really branded me 'dangerous' is the Ultra Shockwave. And I rarely use that dangerous trick. Much less, I have only done it once.

After everyone fell down, I looked at my watch. Sh-. Mystery is going to reprimand me for being late. Remind me to be earlier next time. I waved away the thought that I would have to face an angry man blabbering about how many seconds and minutes I wasted. Think positive. Find a good thought- oh, there it is! Finally. I can just deliver this to Mystery, get my money, then chillax back home and- Pain shot through my leg from behind.

"Gsh!" I cried out in pain.

Blood poured out from my left leg as I fell down on the ground, the bag dropped on my side. I focused energy on the wound and got the bullet out using my telephatic ability. Have I mentioned I don't have just two powers? I thought I did. My wound closed up on its own and returned to its original state. Have I also mentioned that I heal awfully fast? No? Well, now you know.

I tried to examine the bullet but it dispersed upon contact with my hands. It must be an energy beam. And only one person can turn body energy into bullets. My heart started pounding really loud. She's here. I turned to the left. Silence. Maybe in the right. Just a bunch of paralyzed soldiers cursing me. Wait. I got hit from behind, right?

"Red!" She shouted towards me.

Yellow shouted across the area. She have always been cheerful when we were young. Since we started our SIO training. She and I would always escape from our rooms, go to the rooftop and look at the stars. Yellow believes in love to the point that she fantasize about Blue proposing to her and stuff. I always tease her because of that. Yellow would always look at me with her golden eyes full of hope and say "We'll make that dream come true, Red. We will-"

My memory faded as she reappeared in front of me anger visible on her beautiful face. A sharp weapon pointed at me. That special weapon is formed from her energy laser that she used to hit me earlier. Then she made the first move. I dodged every attack she aimed at me as she swung her hands, both holding her energy-laser-sword or something. I stumbled down when I hit something- err, someone paralyzed on the ground. I expected her to stab me... but she didn't.

"Red..." she whispered, tears forming on her eyes.

I hate seeing her like this.

"Why?.." She lifted up her head intending to hide her tears. But I already saw them. "Why'd you have to leave?.."

My heart. I wanted to hug her but...

'Never let emotions rule you.'

Randolph's voice echoed through my head. And immediately, I knew what to do. I was about to grab both her shoulders when she backed away from me. So she knew what I was about to do.

"Don't. Even. Try." Her voice threatening me to cry.

Yellow attacked again. This time she aimed for my chest, where my weak heart is located. I counterpart it with an electric shield, blocking her without lifting a finger. But she kept attacking.

"You will come back!" She stated grinding her teeth.

She took out a long stick and pushed it to my heart. That pole sends special energy beams into any part it touches. Quite dangerous for Special Individuals. Too bad, I'm not their typical SI.

"You know this doesn't work, right?"

"I'll still try!"

Energy entered through my cells. For a second. any regular person or SI would have felt lively but after another second, the will feel dizzy and nauseous. She send her energy to drain her opponent's energy. As I said earlier, this doesn't work on me. You see, I have more energy than her and in order to steal energy, she has to have more than her opponent's. Despite being an energy wielder, she's still weak when it comes to me.

"One more try!" She said, her energy drained from her. "I will... make you come back..."

That was the cue for me. If Yellow says she will do something, she would definitely do it. And I can't lose this chance. I need the money. They need the money. And with that thought in mind, I simply touched the other end of the pole as I closed my eyes. When I opened them again, the yellow eyes from before returned.

I think you already know what I did.

I grabbed the bag and went on my way. My mind told me to walk faster. Much better, it told me to run. But I'm a stubborn piece of meat and walked slowly.

"Still... won't give... up..." I heard her say. "I still won't give up!" while the last two words echoed through the open area filled with paralyzed slash unconscious soldiers.

I smiled secretly. Someone like me who turned into a criminal still have someone like Yellow on my back. The world still has hope after all. I feel ashamed of my every action, regretting every milisecond. Shame on me for letting go of someone like her. I trusted her. She trusted me. I was her friend. And zuntil today,..

I am still her friend.

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