The Country Life (AU)

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I kinda lost interest in this book. I'm really sorry if you liked it and everything but I am going to be giving this book up. I've somewhat ran out of ideas, this will be my last Chapter.
Love you guys,

Thalia POV

I rolled my eyes at Nico. He's supposed to be my friend's little brother. He supposed to annoy the living daylights out of my friends and I. But then why do I feel like this? Why does my face heat up whenever out shoulders touch or our fingers brush each other? Why does my stomach do backflips every times he smiles at me? Why does my heart skip a beat whenever he laughs? Why? Just Why?

"Yeah so then Percy thought it will be hilariously funny to pull me into the pool by my ankles. I didn't find it funny, especially when I had to get stitches above my eye," Nico was telling me yet another story of his and Jason's New York collage experience. I laughed. 'He has a fiancé' I had to keep reminding myself.

"Tell me how you met Drew?" I questioned. I was interested in how Nico Di Angelo met and fell in love with Drew Tanaka.

"I met her through Silena and Beckendorf. You see I got tricked into going to one of Silena's parties. I stopped her then boyfriend Lee Fletcher from abusing her while he was drunk, we got to talking and then coffee and study dates till finally I asked her out," I nodded my head at this story.

"So you're basically her knight in black armour," I joked.

"When you put it that way..." The boy next to me laughed.

"So this is where you two have been hiding!" I heard an all to familiar voice exclaim. "You guys realise the bombfire is in the other clearing, right?" Bianca Di Angelo slurred as she approached us.

"Are you drunk?" Nico asked concerned for his older sister's well being.

"Just a little bit," Bianca laughed as she held two of her fingers apart.

"How many have you had, what did you have?" I asked trying my hardest not laugh.

"Like three beers,"

"Gods Bianca! You're such a lightweight!" Nico exclaimed.

"Does that surprised you?" I asked looking over at him. Bianca had somehow squeezed herself in between Nico and I on our very short log.

"When you put it that way," Nico groaned. "Come on let's take you home,"

"Yeah, we definitely don't want Luke seeing you like this," I joked. Nico turned to me.

"Would Luke seriously take advantage of his own drunk girlfriend?"

"When he's yep, even when he isn't drunk himself," I rolled my eyes.

"I'd kill him! He hasn't done it to her before?" I shook my head calming the boy but got he got hyped up again when another thought came to mind. He looked over at me, "Has he done it to you?" I so badly wanted to shake my head and say no but I don't know what came over me. I nodded my head slightly. Nico got angry, real angry.

"Take Bianca to the car," The boy dressed in black growled.

"Nico don't!" I called after him but it was like talking to a wall, he continued to march his way toward the bombfire, toward his sister's boyfriend, toward my ex-boyfriend. I groaned, I quickly pulled Bianca up from the log and helped her walk after her brother to hopefully stop him before he either hurts the Mayor's son or the Mayor's son hurts him.

By the time I got the fire Nico had already swung a fist at him. He looked furious, Jason ran over to help Nico. I'm guessing Nico told everyone what happened. Well the girls already knew but my I made sure my little brother never heard about it. After a few more punches Nico was on top of Luke, beating his face until it bleed and more. Percy soon ran over and pulled Nico off as Will held Jason back.

"From this point on you are no longer dating my sister! Don't ever touch her again! Don't talk to her! Don't even look at her! Otherwise a broken nose isn't all that you're gonna get!" Nico threatened. Luke by this point had been pulled up by the Stoll brothers. Luke just smirked at Nico and laughed. That's when Nico broke free from Percy and punched Luke so hard the blonde boy fell to the ground unconscious. His face hit a sharp rock slicing the left side of his face open.

"Oh my gods!" Annabeth gasped, running over to the unconscious blonde boy. "He needs to go to the hospital! Now!" The blonde girl yelled. The Stoll brothers quickly picked their half brother up before rushing him to the car.

It must have been a strange sight seeing a bunch of drunk to half drunk twenty-two to twenty-one year olds standing in the waiting room of the local hospital. Soon the doctor came out...

"Who is sober?" He questioned. Nico stepped forward but pulled him back.

"I am," I told the doctor. The man was Dr Apollo, he was the best doctor in town. The blonde man glanced over at Bianca, who had fallen asleep against Will's arm. "No, Bianca isn't sober tonight," I glared at him.

"I'm allowed to be surprised Thalia, its normally you who's the drunk one and Annabeth, Bianca and Hazel bring the sober ones," I rolled my eyes at the doctor.

"Just tell us about Luke," I demanded.

"Well I called his father after giving him about thirty stitches down his face but other then that and his broken nose, he should be fine, may I ask who did it?"

"I had a good reason," Nico grumbled, "And it's not because I'm drunk Apollo, I'm sober,"

"Nico, I had to call the cops, so you better have a good reason," Nico looked over to me.

"I hope I do too," The black haired man sighed, his dark eyes never leaving me alone. Drew glared at me.

After a lot of questions from the cops we were all free to go home. Nico drove me home, Bianca passed out in the back. Drew had gone straight to her motel.

"You should have done more," I sighed as Nico stopped in front of my house.

"What ya mean?" He questioned. I looked over at the boy who was a year younger then me.

"He abused her and used to abuse me," I whispered looking at my feet.

"What?" Nico looked angry all over again.

"I shouldn't have told you that," I whispered. I undid my seatbelt and started to get out of the car but a certain black haired boy grabbed my arm.

"Thalia?" I looked over at him as he pulled me closer. He then surprised me by kissing me.

"Nico," I whispered pushing him away, "Drew?"

"She's been cheating on me, for while now, different guys all the time, I caught her making out with Octopus last week," he smirked shrugging. I looked down.

"I'm sorry,"

"It's okay, I don't care anymore," I stared at him before kissing him and jumping out the car running into my house.

This was from another book of mine, I hope you like it.

Good bye and love you all!
LilydaughterofHecate signing out!

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