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I pack my things into a small bag just only to take the things I will need like shirts, shorts, pants, and yea pajamas

*Bang Bang*

"Hurry up boy for I kicked down this door and drag you out this house"

My dad says while sounding drunk but isn't he just sounds like since he drinks to much

To be honest I don't want to go to Daegu still in my school clothes so I just put on black ripped pants, a white shirt, my black and white vans, and to put the outfit all together I put on a all black choker

I run out my room and give my mother and my sisters one last hug before I leave

I kiss each of my sisters on there forehead and wisper "I love you take care of mom and yourself"

I gave them one last kiss and walked out the door without looking back

Because I know if I looked back I would regret everything and want to stay so I kept my head held high

I get into the truck and put on my seat belt so did my dad

My dad drives out the driveway slowly and heads down the road fast

The whole ride was shit you can say because most of the time I was just staring out the window looking at the trees and the sky while my dad keeps talking about me but to himself

Yes he talks to himself a lot because he has problems 

But I just ignore him

《50 min later》

We stop at a shop

" I will be right back I'm just going to get some snacks and a beer stay your ass in this car"

My dad says slamming the door

" it's not like I would leave stupid " I say under my breath

I take out my phone and put in my earphones and play my favorite song Youth by Troye Sivan

I lift my feet and rest my feet on the dashboard

I singing along to the song on my phone when a nice gray Dodge Charger pulls beside my dad's truck

I quickly take my feet off of the dashboard and lean my seat back a little so the person that comes out the car wouldn't see my face

The person gets out of there car and I guess I leaned up in my chair and stared at them to hard

" Hi my name is Taehyung "

I jump out of thoughts and blush because he was at my window talking to me

I take my ear buds out slowly and give him a a small shy smile

"I-I'm sorry can you repeat yourself "

I say looking down at my fingers and start fidgeting with them

He leans his head a little more into the truck

" There is no need to be shy I'm Taehyung. What's your name?"

He says leaning his head back out of the truck

I lift my head

" Hi I'm Jungkook "

He smiles and says

"Oh Jungkook that's a nice name "

I bite on my bottom lip because I am nervous

" Uh well I will see you around....Jungkook "

He says and then walks away


He turns around and looks at me

I want to tell him that I like him but I bite my tongue  and say

" Nice to meet you "

He walks back towards me

" Jungkook... Nice to meet you to would like anything to drink from this shop"

I was actually really thirsty ;)

For a drink and a little bit of him

" Sure a water will work thanks  "

I tell him

"Okay "

He says while smiling sweetly  and walking away and going to the shop

My dad comes out and gets into the truck and starts it up

"Um dad I think the truck needs some new oil in it"

I say trying to stall him from leaving but like always it doesn't work

"It's good I will give it oil when we arrive at my mother's house "

He says while pulling out of the shop parking lot and driving away

" But what about Ta-"

I stop talking and turn around

" About who ?"

My dad says annoyed

" nothing nothing "

I say trying to end the conversation

It works my dad doesn't say anything else besides talking to himself

But Taehyung...

I miss him already

I want to be in his presence again

All that's on my mind now is


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