Part 13

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The harvest ball had arrived after two days of non-stop preparations. I had managed to find some time to bond with Noah's mother who turned out to be a respectable lady with a golden heart and avant-garde mind.  She had also found me the perfect dress to wear for the ball.  She braided my hair so that it formed a crown. Noah had insisted that I wait for his signal to make my way to the ballroom and so I did.  I was sitting by the dresser in my room when I heard a soft knock on the door.  A maid revealed herself and asked me to follow her and so I did.  She led me to the top of the main staircase and that was when I froze at the sight that lay before me. The grand hall was tightly packed with guests and Noah was in the middle chatting with some other gentlemen.  The room went quiet as I came into view and everyone's eyes seemed to follow me as I descended down the stairs gracefully.  I could feel myself starting to blush from all the attention and so, I looked at Noah who was gazing at me with a smirk on his face.  He looked absolutely handsome in his tux. I paused for a quick moment to reflect on my previous thought. Had I really just admitted in my mind that he looked handsome?  I watched as Noah neared the bottom of the staircase and held out his hand for me to take. He then led me into the ballroom which was also filled with guests. The music started and after bowing at each other, we started to dance.  This was completely different than any other dance we'd shared. The others were staged and forced, but this was based on our will to be in each other's company.

"You look mesmerising in that gown Charlotte."he whispered into my ear as we waltzed around the ballroom.

"Likewise."I whispered back.

"Yet I do fear I am not wearing a gown..."he pointed out in a witty manner. I giggled and he did to. We danced together for a couple more waltzers until we decided to go greet more guests. I intertwined my right hand with his left and followed him to the grand entrance. He immediately went for a tall man who was talking to another three men, all with their wives or fiancés.

"Charlotte, this is Lord Clairvolt, Earl of Brighton along with his betrothed, Lady Alyssa" he said as he introduced the tall man and the timid blonde beside him. "and these are Lord Wallis of Glasgow, Lord Hanley of Scone and Lord Lynnard of Keswick along with their beautiful wives."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance..."I greeted.

"You really do have a beauty on your hands mate..."joked the tall man; the Earl.

"You really are beautiful and you have a wonderful dress."commented Lady Alyssa.

"Thank you.  Same goes for you lady Alyssa." I said politely. 

"Would your lady mind if I were to borrow you for a few minutes?"asked the Earl addressing Noah.  Noah turned his head towards me and pleaded me with his hazel eyes to dismiss him.

"Of course not. Go and enjoy the ball."I replied with a smile.  Noah quickly mouthed a 'thank you' before he was dragged away by the Earl. I looked to my side, to see Lady Alyssa shyly standing all alone.  I walked towards her and before I could speak, her head shot up.

"Oh, my lady, I did not see you approach me."she said before dropping into a curtsey.

"Oh... call me Charlotte if you must."

"Then you shall call me Alyssa..."she added.

"Shall we go for a stroll in the gardens? I do fear these halls are a bit too crowded for my liking."I suggested.  She instantly agreed and we soon found ourselves walking along rows of fully-bloomed roses. 

"You are lucky Charlotte.  My Jon has never looked at me the way your husband-to-be looks at you."she sighed as we sat down on a bench.

"May I let you in on a little secret?"I asked quietly.  She nodded her head as she leaned in closer to listen to what I had to say.  "I fear what you witnessed inside was only pretend-"

"Aye that was no pretend Charlotte...  I know a forced look of affection when I see one... I've received enough of them. Your fiancé looks at you with such passion and depth.  He looks at you with love." she insisted.

"I do not know."I claimed.

"But I do..."she added.  "Do you care for him?"

"I guess I do."I responded after some moments of contemplation. 

"Then you must tell him..."

"Tell him when?"I questioned.

"Tonight!"she said.  "'Tis the perfect timing."

"Are you sure?"I asked as a rush of nervousness sparked through me.

"Aye."she said with a grin.

After some time, we returned to the ball and we bumped into Noah and the Earl.

"Let us give them some space."Alyssa instructed as she led her husband-to-be onto the dance floor.

"I know the perfect place where we can talk..."he said as he took my hand and lead me upstairs.  He lead me in the opposite direction from my room, all the way down the corridor.  He then opened the door and led me inside.  I stared in awe at the grand room.  I had never seen his bedroom before and it was even more beautiful than mine. He took hold of both my hands and twirled me in the candlelight.

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight."he said for the second time that night. He wrapped his arms around me so that his head rested on my shoulder.  Our eyes met.

"I do not know if what I am about to say is foolish in your eyes... but I care for you and I-"

"I love you."I said cutting him off.  I saw his eyes widen in surprise.

"I love you."he said, his look of surprise transforming into a wide smile.  Then we kissed and he pinned me against the wall to deepen this act of affection.  "I never thought I would learn your affection."

"You have."I whispered as I caught my breath.  It was the best moment of my life until his next words.

"I love you... Rosaline."

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