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Jacks POV~

I frolic through the perfect lillies, occasionally picking them up and smelling them. I lay and just stare up at the sky, reminding himself that this is all mine. Then all of a sudden, i hear, what can it be? Buzz- BU-BUZZING! BEE'S BEES FLOODING OVER ME STINGING OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!! Then I jolted up with a cold sweat, breathing heavily.
I checked the time and it was 6.00 AM, so decided to just get up early today. I headed downstairs and made myself a small cup of coffee, bacon, and eggs. I felt calm that morning, I had no idea why, there was nothing to be calm about! First of all, I'm going to a whole different school,with a bunch of different people, IN A WHOLE DIFFERENT COUNTRY! Second of all, people will probably bully me for my strong irish accent and my sexuality (Just like last time).
So why am I so,calm... It is now 7:34 AM. I get dressed super quick, gather my things, and head out the door NEVER forgetting to lock it. As I'm locking the door I hear super loud motorcycles I drop my books and cover my ears "arrrrgggh that's, so, LOUD!" right when I say that, the motorcycles stop. Complete silence, then, "Whats wrong SCRUB to loud for ya'?" They all laugh AT ME! I slowly bend down to grab my books, then I feel a hand grab my shoulder. I was startled so I jerked the hand off in a fast motion. Before I could apologized for my action and explain. The man picked me up by my shirt and gets his fist ready I brace myself. But then I hear a soft deep voice. "Tyler, calm down bud, it was a mistake, cant you see?" I hear him grunt and drop me. I brush it off and try to anyalize what just happend while I was still in my drive way. But, I hear that voice again, that calm deep voice. "Hey are you okay?" I blush slightly seeming how embarrassed I am. "Y-yea nothing out of the usaul."
I see him pick up my books and drop them in my bag. "Th-thank you." He nods. I check my watch "8:01!" I get up and start to sprint but I'm stopped by, him "Hey we don't wanna be late, and it's way faster on the bikes so, let me just do this last solid for you!" I see him grin kindly. I hesitate because I'm terrified of those motor bikes, but it's rude to disagree. "O-okay!" I get on very hesitantly, afraid that I might break it. "Just close your eyes, hold on tight, and enjoy the ride!" I hear the engine rev so I tuck my face into his back and tighten my grip around him. Then, I feel a breeze, a light breeze. But, unfortunately I can't hear a thing. Before I know it, we're at the school. I take off the heavy helmet and give it back to him before I could say thank you I hear him this "leave." I see a dark expression on his face. I get super scared but I'm really confused. "wha-" "I SAID LEAVE FOUR EYES BEFORE I BEAT YOU TO THE PULP!" I become teary eyed and look at the floor and set the helmet on the ground. "Well...nice meeting you while it lasted." I walk of with no explanation of why he acted like that.

Hey everyone! I hope you like the New au! Sorry I've been gone so long!!! Just alot of things happens Soooo...yea

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