Chapter 3 "Finding, Him"

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Jake awoke to dark skies and rumbling thunder. He went downstairs and ate breakfast after packing for school again. He looked at the clock and realizes that he still has a few minutes to spare so he sits in the living room to watch T.V. after a few minutes passed, Jake stood up and walked out the door to his bus stop. While he is walking to the back of the bus to sit with Riley, kids start to stare and whisper. "At least it isn't as bad as yesterday", Jake murmurs to himself. Riley tells them to shut up but they don't listen. When they arrive at the school and depart ways Jake makes his way to the classroom without failure.

As Jake sits down at his desk, he sees boy his age that catches his eye. Someone he finds. Special. Jake sits down and blushes hoping no-one will notice his stares of admiration. He felt something, deep, deep, down inside of him. It was a feeling he hasn't felt for anyone before. It was love. Jake knew he had to meet this boy and become friends, even if it wouldn't go any further than that.

When class ends, Jake stands up and walks over to this boy. "Hi, my name is J-Jake; What's yours?" "Hi Jake, my name is Stephen." Stephen answers proudly. And they coversate about cars, animals, and other things till the bell rings for lunch.

While Riley walks through the doors to the cafeteria Jake catches up with her. Jake sits down with Riley once a again and explains to Riley what he had felt for Stephen. "Riley, I think I know who I am, I'm GAY!"
Jake says full of pride. "Jake, that's not a good thing in this school, no-one in this school likes gays, but I wont reject you", Riley says happily. Jake ponders and ponders about Stephen. Knowing that his thirst for him will only get stronger and stronger by the minute.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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