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"Dragons" exclaimed Professor Olgusar (commonly called Prof) ."You saw them in a dream you say, this is not good not at all" said Prof. Okay James these dragons what did they do. "I can't really remember much though but the big ones well they snapped at me and the small ones they were quite nice to me, although they could not really do anything to stop the big ones it was really nice" James said. "Okay okay" Prof said in a rush. "These big dragons what did they look like"He said rushing a little bit less. They were all blue, except this one he was red and certainly much bigger than the rest, I would say he was their king.
"This is bad really really bad"Prof said. "What do you mean prof" said James.
"It is all a long story James, it goes something like this, once there was an evil dragon named Draxilus he sought to kill any being  who stood in his way, in his reign of terror Draxilus went in possesion of a stone called the life stone that made him immortal since he couldn't be defeated the younger brother of Draxilus, Drake took the life stone and destroyed for it was to powerful for anyone's possession. What Drake didn't know was that the stone would be reformed after some years if it was not disposed of properly now Draxilus must be in possession of the stone again and this time Drake would have to defeat Draxilus again and this time he would have to destroy the life stone properly. Now that Draxilus has the stone the entire world is in extreme danger"
"Okay so why don't we just call this Drake guy to defeat him again." Jake said. "You are Drake" said Prof. "What" James screeched. "I am definitely not a dragon"He said. I know its hard to take in James I have had to deal with it too once. Its not so easy but you'll get used to it." said Prof. "Hold it a second " James said. "You are a dragon and you didn't tell me... does Charlotte know no she doesn't . Wow, just wow" James finished.
" I'm sorry,  I just didn't think you'd ever had to find out" said Prof. "Okay I understand now why do I have to defeat this Draxilus guy" said James. "Because you're the chosen one James I mean Drake" said prof. "Fine I'll be the chosen one and defeat Draxilus but never call me Drake. " Yay" screamed Charlotte James's sister who'd been listening all along."Am I a dragon too Prof" She asked. "No" he answered  "you are a fire human, one of the only of its kind". said Prof. "Does that mean I can breathe fire" Charlotte asked."It most certainly does Charlie as she was commonly called"Prof said. "Can I help James defeat that mean guy Draxilus " Charlie asked " You can dear but the both of you have to work together and get training.

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