Guess who just got tagged?

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Here's a hint. It's the author of the book your reading.

The answer is me.

Here we go!

Here we go!

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1. My Name-Kyla. It's in my username. If you want my full name...then it sucks to be you.

2. Spirit Animal-If you mean my favourite animal, that would be a wolf. If not...let me go take an online quiz.
*Takes Quiz*

3. Fave colour-I have many.
Any Neon colour
Sea Green
That's it.

4. First Crush-Well, if you mean a boy I thought I had a crush on but was wrong...I forget. If you mean a fictional crush...Ennard and by a real crush...You already know that~ Also, I might tell her...yeah.

5. Gender-Female. Why do you think my Persona is a girl?

6. Fave Food-Bacon, Tacos, Pizza, Chocolate, Chips and Cookies.

7. Fave Game-Undertale or FNAF. Don't make me choose.

8. Fave Song-...I'll post this in a different chapter since this list is hella long.

9. Fave Season-Winter or Summer. Winter because I have an excuse to stay inside and use Tech and Summer because no school. I mean, the only downside to school IS THOSE TERRIBLE FLIPPING THINGS CALLED FLIPPING PERIODS AND THE PADS ARE SO FLIPPING LOUD THAT ALL THE ALARMS GOING OFF AT THE SAME TIME WOULD BE QUIETER!!!

sorry about that little rant. Let's continue...

10. Do I play any Sports?-Sports are the thing that is slowly killing me. That and my depression. Haven't cut myself yet, which is good..............only biting. Hey, it's good because I had to (lightly) bite my friends wrist to get her to let go of me. Ahh, good times.

Anyways...How many people do I tag again?
*Checks it*

Alright, here are the tags I guess...
xX_KiroSari_Xx (I'm sorry)
starlightalyssa (You do this or I swear your dead to me)
Eh, I can't be bothered to do anymore. If any person I didn't list reads this...I tag you.

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