part three of six

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Disclaimer - Everything you're about to read belongs to someone else. You know, except for the total compilation of ideas. That would be mine. Yup yup.

Author - Chibi / Warlordess

Notes - Okay guys, this is a weird one. I think it definitely qualifies for the fantasy genre I picked for it. Plus it's almost sickeningly romantic. Ugh, I hope I come out of this one unscathed. Even if you don't understand something or don't like or appreciate it, I hope you'll stick it out til the end and also - maybe, just maybe - give me a review and tell me what you thought.

So, without further ado. . .


Title - "Undine's Thread" / part three


If Ash had thought things were over for now, he'd be greatly impressed half-an-hour later as he and Brock walked into the Cerulean City Center to heal their Pokemon and reserve a room for the night. Panic gnawed at the back of his mind, numbing his finger tips. He clenched and unclenched his fists mechanically but it didn't help to ebb the tingling, nor the nagging feeling of worry.

And yes, of course he was worried! Here he was, wandering aimlessly through town, the knowledge that Misty was simply nowhere echoing around in his skull. . . but what could he do? He was starving, hadn't eaten in nearly a day, Pikachu was exhausted, Brock was out of ideas. . . All of them were running on empty. And nothing was scarier than that thought on top of everything else.

They couldn't find anymore clues at the hotel, as if finding nothing had been much of a clue at all. So they'd said goodnight to Marina, telling her that they planned on staying in town at least overnight so that they could compare notes and figure out what to do next. She'd wished them luck, asked them a very silly question, to which they'd honestly answered, and then thanked them.

"Are you gonna give up on looking for her now?"

Ash and Brock had turned and quirked a brow at one another as if it was the most ridiculous, perpostrous notion in the entire world but Pikachu had responded before them, leaping forward and rampantly shaking his head.

"Pikachupi pika pi chu kachu!"

"Yeah, like Pikachu said. . . I mean, what makes you think that we would ever?"

But it all still worried him. Where were they supposed to go looking now with absolutely no leads? Given, that wouldn't stop them from overturning every Geodude they could find, but it had only been two days since they'd first learned that something was wrong with Misty at all. The thought of how long it could possibly take to find her. . . Well. . . it was almost enough to kill him.

Before Ash knew it, the two of them were standing before the desk of the Cerulean PokeCenter, Nurse Joy staring at them quizzically, concerned about the melancholy expressions on their faces. Too depressed to come up with his usual one-liners, or possibly just as lethargic as his companions, Brock patted Ash softly on the back as if to urge him forward. It worked and the younger trainer sighed as he approached the counter first, removing the PokeBalls from his belt and allowing Pikachu to leap from his shoulder again. Brock followed suit.

"Uh, yeah. . . We'd like to check in our Pokemon please," he muttered to the woman monotonously.

"Alright, thank you very much! Is there anything else I can do for you boys right now?" the kind nurse asked with a pleasant smile, as if hoping it would be enough to eradicate their fears, turning and placing all of the PokeBalls on the stretcher behind her and letting it be wheeled away by her partner, Chansey.

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