part one

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I didnt think it was real. Thats how it got me. The thought of its face sends shivers to my body. It deceives you into thinking that it is just your imagination. But its not. Its very real. And once you wake it up it doesnt go away. It watches you suffer and tremble as you hear footsteps and unsteadying voices in your head. That confused look when you notice things out of place. It watches you. Its always watching, the glass eyes piercing the back of your skull as you walk from room to room. Its always watching. That moment you realise that wasn't  placed there a moment ago? It plays tricks on your mind and lets your imagination and fears spiral out of control until you cannot handle it anymore. Be nice to him and he will be nice to you. Just follow the rules.


As the car pulled up I looked over at the neatly arranged garden interior that meandered all the way along the bottom of the mossy brick walls. White Aphelia and lilac roses were lined up in a checker pattern, whilst swaying in the slight breeze that tickled the back of my neck as I stepped out of the car. Being polite I waved goodbye to the taxi driver murmuring thank you as I watched him drive of , down the sandstone path towards the gold lined gates. I picked up my luggage and climbed up the stone steps, moss and dirt seeping into the cracks of the old, worn patio that surrounded it.

I stood at the foot of the large wooden door and pulled on the  door bell, a large sound launching through the air making me No answer. I rung again and stood waiting for a couple of  minutes before getting frustrated, and  deciding to try the back entrance through the garden area. I wasnt trespassing if the doors were unlocked..?

The house itself was huge and could easily be classed as an old Victorian mansion. The French doors were wide open so I walked inside and was met with a large dining table, it was polished and was decorated with tiny china cutlery and some lit candles either side of the collections. It made The room look really creepy to be honest. The room its self was still extremely dark. There were 2 Victorian chandeliers hanging from the sealing at either ends which they could of turned on but, old people. The walls were decorated with greeny grey flowers.It made me fell nausios looking at it but what could you expect from an old house.  I walked into the hallway and an elderly woman came rushing towards me greeting me.

She looked in her 70s and a few moments later her husband came down. They beckoned me to come into the huge sitting room and I stood as they turned towards the chair and smiled.uh...ok then? They seemed like nice people anyway and I commented on how 'lovely' their home was. They asked me some questions about my experience in my job and gave me a quick tour around the grounds.

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