Chapter 22

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Your POV

I paced around the classroom, looking for an escape. The windows didn't open far enough for me to climb out of. The door was jammed, locked. The air ducts were high above me. I could reach them by climbing the shelves but that was my last resort. I could try to break the glass on the door, but I didn't know what to use. Nate's sharp ass jawline could help.

I chuckled to myself and continued to walk around the classroom. Is Nate okay? I asked myself. Derek said he had something to do with this too. Natemare was organizing all of this. What does he want so badly that he has to separate us? Does he still want me? He has Y/D/N now. The hell is he trying to stir up?

Nate's POV

I continued to bang on the door, yelling for someone, anyone to open the damn door. Yes, Brendon Urie. Open the goddamn door. I slowly gave up, the door isn't going to open itself. I sat down on one of the desks. Is Y/N okay? Why did he have his fringe down so low? The voice seemed familiar. Natemare? My hands balled up into fists. Just the thought of him touching Y/N made my blood boil. He has his own chick, why does he want mine? He did mention something about torture.

Looking at the chalkboard, I picked up a piece of chalk and began to write. Once I was satisfied with my message, I looked at the door, This dark power shit better work. Closing my eyes, I punched the wall hoping the streaks would appear. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, smiling. There you guys are. I walked over to the door and concentrated on opening it. I felt some heat resonate from my hands. Click. I put my hand on the doorknob and luckily enough, it opened. Grabbing my backpack, I ran out the door to find most importantly, Y/N then my phone. Does she have hers? I was in an empty part of the school so I began to yell for her.

Your POV

I continued to pace the floor. Nate has Natemare. I have Y/D/N...could I have her powers? I shook my head, Nate was the one who had the alternate being because he was famous. I'm not famous, maybe on Tumblr or another page but would that count? I wasn't struggling with a dark counterpart. On second note, how did she come into play? She wasn't here before I was back with Nate. I thought about it, How could Natemare make my dark counterpart? Blood? Saliva? Hair? The only way he could've gotten my blood was when... My eyes widened, The time he cut my neck. The knife! The blood on his hands! He took my blood and somehow made her a Nightmare! I smiled, I do have powers then..

My Natemare (a NWTB x Reader fanfic) ☆discontinued☆Where stories live. Discover now