3: The Many Forms of Envy

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A/N: Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I didn't post this chapter when I said I would! I've had several things and outings with friends come up in the past few days, so I didn't get the time to finish this. Thank you to @Animeforliiife for telling me that I need to update.

A/N: The blonde guy is not an OC. He is a character in FMA. Specifically, the form Envy takes when in Central HQ.


You woke up early the following day to the birds chirping and bright light streaming in the window. The clock on the wall read 5:17. You smiled brightly, thinking this would be a great day. When you saw that you were in your grandparent's room, you remembered the events of the night before. That bright smile left your face as quickly as it came, and you turned to see Nana asleep on the bed. You scribbled a quick note on a piece of paper that you found on the desk in the corner and put it on the other pillow. Then, you went downstairs to make breakfast: eggs, bacon and salad.

When you were in the middle of making the salad while the bacon and eggs were cooking, you heard the door creak, and someone walked down the stairs. You put the bacon and eggs onto a serving plate and set them on the table you had set earlier. "Good morning, Nana." You said, turning and smiling at her.

"Morning, dear. Did you sleep well?" She replied, smiling back. Her smile was as cheerful as usual, but her eyes seemed to have lost their regular brightness.

"Like a baby." You lied. You couldn't bare to make her worry. She was already grieving and didn't need to worry about you.

"Good to know." She said, smiling. Then the smile faded, and a few tears fell down her cheeks. "I miss him already."

"I know, Nana. I miss him too. But we have to be strong. We have to endure the pain, but never forget him." You walked over to hug her and rubbed her back. When you pulled away, you continued, "Alright, let's eat breakfast."

You ate breakfast silently, not needing words to communicate with your grandmother. When you finished, you looked at the time. "Nana, I have to go now. I'll make sure to call whenever I get the chance." You hugged her tightly. "Call me whenever you need to or want someone to talk to. I love you." You gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, then walked to the door and put your hand on the doorknob, but you stopped when you heard Nana's voice.

"I love you too." Your Nana said. "See you soon."

You opened the door and looked back over your shoulder. "Bye, Nana. I'll call you when I get to Dublith." You waved and shut the door behind you.

You stood in front of your doorway and took a deep breath. Leaving your home like this felt weird, but you knew you had to for your own sake and that of your family. You let out a sigh and started towards Garfiel's automail shop.

You opened the door, where Al greeted you, "Morning!"

"Good morning, Al." You replied. You looked around his arm and saw Ed sleeping on the couch and Winry sitting beside him, nodding slightly. "They'd make a cute couple, don't you think?"

Winry snapped awake and started yelling, "What? Where did you get that idea? No, we wouldn't! Why would you think that? We're just childhood friends!" Her face was beet red, and she was shaking her hands in front of her body

Al chuckled while you watched Winry, barely trying to hide your laughter. When Ed woke up, he heard Winry yelling incomprehensible words and you and Al laughing. Ed sat up, confused. "What's going on?" He asked groggily.

"Nothing!" You, Al, and Winry all said together. Ed shrugged.

Al suddenly stiffened. "Oh, wait! Last night, we got a call in the middle of the night, saying that the train to Dublith was cancelled."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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