The Archer vs The Fire Dragon

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After Lucy insisted that Cancer french braid my hair (which actually looks really nice on me), I threw on some jean shorts, a white t-shirt, and a red plaid shirt on. I had rolled the sleeves up to above my elbows, and laced on my black high-top sneakers. Of course, I couldn't leave without one of my quivers over my shoulder.

Lucy and I sat down at the bar next to Erza and Juvia.  

"Where did you two go? We haven't seen you in a few days," Erza questioned.

"We were at my place. Just watching a ton of movies Lucy missed. You don't have to worry," I informed.

"It was awesome! The way the characters have been growing and the MCU bas been expanding is amazing!" Lucy exclaimed. 

"Not to be rude, but I don't know if I get the appeal," Juvia admitted. "Doesn't that kind of adrenaline and the emotions you experience exhausting? Why do you put yourself through that?"

I bit my lip. I wasn't 100% sure how to answer Juvia's question,but I'll try. "Well, I guess because it makes you think. Watching those movies get's you to pay attention to details, and think about the emotions the characters are feeling. As for the adrenaline, it's like a rollercoaster. It's a different kind of thrill you get from your everyday life," I explained as best I can.

"I think I understand. But at the same time I don't," the water mage said, a guilty smile on her face. 

"That's okay. The only real way to understand is to join a fandom yourself, but that's really ill advised. You're better off not knowing," Lucy stated.

At this time, Mirajane brought us over some food. Chicken and salad, my favourite. 

"Thanks Mira," we thanked. 

As I was eating, I felt a pair of eyes on me. It was weird, and I didn't like it. Did I do something to draw attention to myself? Is it the way I'm eating? Is my quiver on weirdly? Kimberly! Relax! They be staring, they have a problem!

I narrowed my ebony eyes, and looked behind me. Natsu was staring right back. Dammit, why is he staring at me? This is awkward...

"Kimberly, are you strong?" He asked.

Romeo laughed. "Yeah, she's strong!  Kimmy could probably beat you in a fight!"

The dragon slayer grinned. "Oh yeah?"

"I bet I could hold my own against you. What do you say, Natsu?" I challenged, my worry disappearing. Of course, Natsu just wanted to fight! I get to show off my skills!

"You've got yourself a fight!"

The two of us went outside, and stood opposing each other.

"I'll give you the first move," The pinkette offered.

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