Why are you Denying it Bennett?

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"Hey, Naomi?", Jordan whispered, flicking her nose.

No response.

"Naoooommi", he whisper-shouted a little louder into her ear.


"Yo, Naomi!", Jordan exclaimed loudly.

Nope, Nada, Zip, Zilch.

"I give up", Jordan sighed.

"Well I don't!", Declan yelled, raising a pillow he grabbed from the back over his head. Jordan grinned and stepped back, watching Declan tense as he was about to bring it down-

"Guys- quit it", Bennet said, annoyed,"Just leave her alone. She'll wake up sooner or later."

Jordan sighed in disappointment as Declan slowly returned the pillow, "You just don't want us to wake her up, because she's sleeping on your shoulder."

"Stop Jordon. Just stop."

Declan turned around to face Bennet, smirking smugly, "Why are you denying it Bennet?"

"I'm not denying anything- I'm just trying to spare you the humiliation of saying something stupid out of your jealousy."

Declan's smirk dropped.

"Jealous? Ha! Who said anything about jealousy, huh? Declan's not jealous, and certainly not me... you're trying to change the subject aren't you?", Jordan babbled.

Bennett sighed, shrugging his  shoulders, then freezing immediately upon seeing that the sudden motion was causing Naomi to stir, " Jordan, just know that the reason we're in this situation in the first place is that you stupidly decided to a call a Code Black while I was driving. This is on you."

Declan stayed silent, while Jordan opened his mouth to protest. Then closed it. Then opened it again, and repeated until he looked like a blubbing fish.

" What is a 'Code Black' anyway?"

Jordan yelped in surprise and everyone turned to a yawning Naomi, who was getting up and currently stretching her arms.

Declan rushed forward, " Naomi! You're awake! Are you ok? How do you feel?", he placed a hand on her forehead and one on his own- checking her temperature, " Hmmmm....A little warm- but I guess that's expected from someone who passed out from a near death experience."

"Thanks," I said, shaking Declan's hands away, " But seriously though- what's a 'Code Black' ?"

I watched the boys exchange nervous glances, but I knew that some well executes glares would cause one of them to break.

Eventually, Jordan did.

" A 'Code Black' is a mysterious- and you must admit, cool- name that made up for mysterious-and cool- missions that I have skillfully procured for us."

"Cool", Declan cut in with a monotone voice, " because thanks to Jordan's amazing hacker skills, irresistible charm, sharp wit, clever one-liners, mischievous aura - Seriously Jordan, do I have to read all of these? ( Yes, Declan, Yes you do.)- and unquenchable thirst for action filled emprise-Whose dictionary did you steal? ( There's something called Thesaurus.com on a place called the internet. You should try it sometime.)- we always get the best quality experience."

Declan huffed out a breath and Bennet came up behind him, "Mysterious though- no Jordan, I am not reading your flashcards- because he never tells us what we're doing, where we are going, or the reason for the mission until we get there."

Jordan opened his mouth to say something, but Bennet quickly continued, rolling his eyes,"Last time we went on a 'Code Black'  he took us on a rented helicopter all the way up to the North Pole, forced us to jump out with nothing but our scuba suits, and made us swim under a glacier to chip off a bucket of ice. All because he claims that normal ice wasn't cooling his chocolate milkshake fast enough. "

"Hey!" Jordan exclaimed, "That's not true!" Bennet and Declan gave him a pointed look and he shrunk back," It was a vanilla shake- not chocolate", he muttered, "Besides, it wasn't that bad...was it?"

"Yeah, it was," Declan winced, rubbing his back thigh," That orca really wouldn't leave us alone- I still have the scar..", He chuckled," Should've seen the one we gave him though."

"Well," Jordan hurried, walking over and hugging my shoulders "This one won't be like that! No way I'm putting our Naomi in harm's way and I'm positive that's it's the exact definition of fun!"

Bennet and Declan looked skeptical, "That's what you said last time, and the time before that, and the time before that..."

I saw that with every word, Jordan's head hung a bit lower and I couldn't stand it.

"I'm in."

Bennett and Declan looked at me with astonished expressions, but Jordan looked at me like a child receiving a puppy on his birthday. #worth it

Slowly, they sighed and followed suit.

"I'm game."

" Me too."

Jordan clapped his hands together escatically and hopped back to his phone.

"Wait! Jordan!" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder, " What's the mission?"

Jordan gave me a sly smile and tsked, bopping my nose," Oh Naomi, didn't you hear what the guys said?"
He chuckled and turned away, walking towards the door of the base.

"It's a surprise."


Let's do this.
I have SOOO many ideas and you don't understand how hyped I am for the next few chapters!
Nothing much to say here except to hang on to your seatbelts.

Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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