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   'I have no idea if my plan was successful, I have never thought my land would sink to depths and huge pocket of air sucked it all into a remote cavern. The cavern was deep, many did not survive... I have only been down here for 10 days and nights if I remember, to have finally start to salvage anything from ruins. Sadly Lemurians and Kumarians are nowhere in sight, they must be down here as well but far away from me.

   I miss my sisters terribly but it will all be better in the end if loyal friend Egypt was successful in keeping some of our history, for I know Greece will do all she can to destroy her dark past that she left, and I must convey I pity her. Yet I saw the signs coming, Rome on the imperial path, expansion of cities, and disagreement we have with spiritual views. And worst part is me....I sold my skills in the assasin's arts to keep cities from falling, to help my sister islands the best I can. To be disowned by nature itself, we must repent for lives we took for cowards and I vow on my country I will never kill another,  never harm another life and protect my family, the human's families, and all birth rights. We shall survive and thrive, not as we did before, better! And more aware of ourselves in the future.

     We will rise again. From the Ashes of our world we shall rise in the name of Poseidon, from the arms Gaia we carry her with grace to one day let her stand on her feet  with us aside, as equals.

 - Island of Atlas

    '' 40 years now and we grown...comfy of our watery prison. It is sad to think  home has become like legends to us, it has been a struggle past years, we had an uprising and civil war followed to overthrow monarchy...It was horrible idea to have 10 kings, kings that saw what happens in shadows but they lived in arrogant bliss in light. To this day I shutter to see faces of  people once madness broke out...their faces fueled with hate as they took them one by one. Killing from the youngest set of twins all the way to the eldest, worst for last. Once riot turn to a happy cheering mob I think back and thank my days madness down here didn't end us Atlanteans as a whole. Lot has changed for better from over throw of monarchy, since palace is empty many thought of it being a good idea to use it as shelter and other things for gatherings and sanctuary. This idea was revolutionary for many thought a palace is for king or queen but our King thought of it being for the people in times of celebration or devastation and this is time for such.'

                                          O' thy lord and lady, motherland and fathering empire, keep your daughters safe as you reside in eternal sleep...

       " My people are all I am and I am my people, when they are threaten I am threaten. When they all weep I weep, when they all feel mad, I feel mad. When they are insane I am also.... Something happen that I forgot to write...the death of so many of my sisters. Yonaguni sank without family, Doggerland could not go on any longer so we had to...we could not keep of promise we made to so many when we re-learn of our sorcery and magic. It was devastating. It felt as if I broke, my mind set from revolution, those emotions came as hard as hits to head, all flood in with most horrible urge to laugh. Just laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh the pain away . From all the shit I put up with! That ungrateful Greece keeping me from leaving, I could have sailed away...away from homeland and live, but thy angel of death on high blew her trumpet that rings into my ears haunting me. Sounds of laughter, just to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh AND LAUGH... Well I shall return Greece the favor and laugh with a grin of dog face devils being Pluto's lover, i want her to die, to suffer, learn salvation as she GRACIOUSLY taught me. Thatsatyrshouldknownevertocrosshereldernationsespeciallyme.Hefawillpay,alongwithRomeandeverybodyelsewhoneverhelpedme....nevercaredneverthoughtoncenortwicetohelpus,nevernotever.Andtheyshalllaughoffpainandlaughofftohellandlimboandtogravesthattheydugthemselves.THEYSHALLMISSMEANDREGRETCALLINGMETHATSLANDEROUSNAME,MOCKINGMYPRIDE,MYKNOWLEDGE,OUR......OURS... 

Ours...our people, our lives, our origin, our skin...our inventions, our existence...they shall pay the price and not let their descendants suffer..

It has been years....I have been down here. I do not know why I am loosing my mind, everything becoming foggy, unclear. Maybe the lack of oxygen, or disease. Yes disease of insanity, a fever, or am I just crazy.. I hate laughing, it throws off my writing. And she knows it.  Shut up, I am helping you getting your emotions out. What do you know about emotion? You basically died as a human a long time ago...

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