Chapter 8

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I was looking at the ceiling until the door bell rung & of course i got up & went to open it . But when i was walking down stairs the boys was gone .

Uhm yes can i help you ?

Yes ! Is Kentrell here .

No . Who are you ?

No don't need to know my name.  But here is this & make sure he get it okay .

Uhmm okay . But wtf is in this bag ?

Pregnancy Test .

I slammed the door in that bitch face & went to the kitchen & just balled my eyes out .


Aye sus we back with food . I made my way to the Kitchen & I seen Ry'lee laying on the floor . Aye yall come here

Wassu .  .  .  . Bro wth happened to Ry said Boomer .

I don't know pick her up & take her the car .

I watched Boomer carry Ry to the car and a million things was running through my head . I was driving fast trying to get to a near by hospital. We pulled up to the hospital & i ran in and scream for help. 

3hrs later

NBA Gang & I was seating in the waiting room all worried about Ry'lee.  I didn't won't nothing bad to happen to Ry'lee & then we gotta tell Kentrell . I was thinking about so much shit & i broken from my thought. 

Family of Ry'lee Gates said the doctor.

I got & said that would be all of us .

Well sir can i just talk to you for a moment in private. 

Yes .

Well sir Ry'lee is going to be fine , she under alot of stress .

Okay. so what happened to her ?

She had a panic attack & one more thing did you know that Ry'lee is 3 week's Pregnant. 

No sir i didn't . But when can we see her?

Now she said she wanna see 3three for right now .

Okay im 3three. What her room #
215 .

Okay thanks doc. 

I walked back to the waiting room & told the gang Ry'lee was going to be okay  & they got hyped on me . But i didn't tell them what that doctor told me about Ry.

Aye ill be right back, finna go see Ry .

Okay , tell her we all love ha said the gang .

I will .

I began to walk down the hall too Ry'lee room & when i got there i knock 2x & i heard a soft come in . So i walked in seeing Ry watching Fear Factor .

Sis talk to me .

Okay , some girl was at the door & she asked for Kentrell & i was like he not here & she handed me a bag & i asked what was in it & she said a pregnancy test. After she told me that i slammed the door in her face & went to the kitchen cryed my eyes out & i was losing breath.  One thing led to another everything black out & i woke up here. 

Damn sis ion know what to say .

You don't have to say anything about it . Because im taking Kayden & we're gonna go to Atlanta.  I just can't right now 3three with all this shit going on & plus im pregnant on top of that.

Ry'lee you can't go to Atlanta. 

Why can't I go ?

Well you got Kentrell here .

How i got Kentrell  , because he clearly don't got me . Because EVERYTIME i look up somebody at my door pregnant or handing me a baby . I just can't 3three , i feel like im being used .

I understand .

You do ?

Yeah i do sis. But ill let you get some rest & your car here Boomer & Ben drove it here .


I was laying down ready to go . So pushed the button for my nurse to come .

Yes miss Gates are you ready to go home

Omg yes ! Im ready to go .

Okay let me get your discharge papers. 

I waited for the nurse to come back with my papers & so i got myself together.  Then the door open & it was the nurse. 

Here you go miss Gates . Just sign here & there & you are good to go .

Thank you so much .

Your welcome .

I was walking out the hospital full of hurt & pain in my body . So i made it to the car & put the key in the ignition & went straight home.  When i got home it's people cars in my drive way & i was too pisted off . So i get out slamming my door going into the house & scream hello but nobody answer back . I walked around the house & nobody was here , i guess ill go up stairs & take a shower . When make it too my room Kayden was sound asleep on my bed . All i could think about was why tf was he here by himself. I ran my shower & got in i stayed in for about 35 mins and i got out & dryed off put me some clothes on & got in the bed with Kayden . I was laying there thinking & then i jumped my ass up started packing my clothes like im finna go to Atlanta get my shit together & never come back here.  The stuff i order Kayden last night online from Carter's Baby's come in too so like okay we finna dip . I got my bag's & Kayden . I put all our stuff in the car / trunk , me & Kayden had a little trouble with the car seat put we got it right on together.  I turn on car to get it cold for Kayden & then ran back in house and locked it down . I changed every password to get in the house & gates . I went back outside got in the car , i looked backed at Kayden & said it gonna be a long drive babyboy . I was leaving out the drive way & went to the nearest gas station & pull up got my gas & hit the high way


Yes sir who are you visiting today?

Kentrell Desean Gaulden .

Okay sir , your visit will be down that hall to your far left with the blue door .


I was walking down the hall & made it to the door & i saw my brother seating there . So walked in & sat down infront of him .

Wassup bitch said Kentrell

Shit nun bro

How is it going in here?

Shidd ight ig , how is everybody doing man ?

Bro shit getting crazy & you only been in here for 3weeks. 

What's going on ?

Bro Ry'lee done had a real live panic attack. 

FUCK MAN ! I mean is baby good ?

Yeah she good , but  she hate you right now .

Why wtf i do .

Some hoe done came to house & have her a pregnancy test & said is Kentrell here. 

Tell her that ain't my baby.

Ight bro . But it look like you gotta go .

Shidd yeah , i love ya mane

I luhh you too .

After leaving the jail house from visiting Trell made me miss my brother man . I made my way back to Ry'lee house & i tryed to get in the gates & my shit wasn't working at all . So I tryed calling her & her shit went to voicemail on my ass . like damn where they at ? Ig im'a keep calling until she pick up. 

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