Happy Family?

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What is a normal family these days? A family with kids and two parents who are married and all live together, in one house. A stay at home mom and a working dad. It may seem like a simple idea, but is that all that it is? No half brothers, no step mothers, just a normal family.

Some of my friends have parents who are divorced and got married again. They have new half sisters and brothers, their parents are happy again yet they still say that I have a better, normal family. I just nod and agree with them. Say i'm sorry for their situation but thats not true.

Just because I have good grades at school, show strong character and rarely complain about things that happen at home, it doesn't mean that everything in my life is great. We may look like one happy family in photos and it may seem like we have enough money and are well looked after but that's not always the case. It's true we dont own any great apple products or anything but that's not what matters in life.

My friend has a great relationship with her mom. She loves her and she is right to. Her mam is a strong woman who takes care of herself and hasnt given up because of one unhealthy relationship with my friends dad. Her mam continues to live her life and is now happy with her children and someone she loves.

That friend's parents dont live together and they are right to. Their mom is happy and that makes my friend happy.

Sometimes I think that my parents are worse than children. They cannot talk to eachother normally. They never agree upon anything and never try to solve their problems. Honestly I think that it would be better if they were divorced. I know! It's not a nice thing to say but it's true. They wouldnt have to talk to eachother or live together.  

It's money, noney is always the excuse to rise voices and start rows and not talk to eachother again. Although they are married, they dont even like eachother, they told me the reason they got married was just to have less trouble trying to Baptise my younger sister. Some reason to get married! Like if you dont even like eachother, why waste ur time being together in an unhealthy relationship? 

I suggested to them once that they get divorced and they said no. No because this wouldn't be a normal family then. Yeah like its a normal family now, never get to do things together, never can talk to both parents at once. 

Some kids get all depressed and start taking drugs or run away from home but I just try to hide all the unhappines and concentrate on the positive and try to set  a good future for myself..

Just a few more years and I can move out and not have to listen to them anymore..

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