Chapter 26

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Authors note: This is it everyone! There's just the epilogue left after this. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up, just like life and time have gotten the best of me recently with the responses to all your amazing comments, it has also taken me away from writing. Now i do have some of the epilogue written and i will do everything i can to get it out on time, but if i don't, i promise i won't leave you hanging for too long. Thank you so much to everyone who left a comment, voted or even just read it! You have no idea how much i appreciate it.

Disclaimer: Characters not mine!

Week 12

Emma had stayed with the Jones' three nights in a row. Well, three nights so far. It wasn't that she couldn't go home, or that she even intended on staying over that often. It just happened. With every night she spent, it became a little easier. She'd have to leave soon though, she did miss her bed and her shower, but for just a little while longer, she could bask in the bubble they'd created for themselves.

It was about one in the morning when Emma woke up to an empty bed. It took her a while to register Killian's absence, but when she did, she wrapped herself in the sheets she'd slept in, and started her search for him.

She checked Liam's room first, thinking maybe he woke up and woke his father with him, but Liam was fast asleep and Killian was not there with him.

The kitchen was also empty, and so was his study, which only left the living room. She found him asleep on the couch, his mouth open and his body slanted towards the armrest with a videogame controller slipping from his fingers and a headset rested around his neck. The game in question was still playing on the TV.

Emma was faced with a few options. She could just switch everything off and leave him here. She could wake him and help him back to his room. Or she could play for him; it's bad form leaving his teammates hanging like that.

It didn't really take too long before she snapped a picture of him then sat beside him, controller in hand, and trying to gently lift the headset off him. She'd played this game with him before, so she wasn't at a complete disadvantage. She only hoped his teammates would be the forgiving type.

"Hello?" She spoke into the headset.

"Who are you?" Three voices echoed back.


"Emma, lass?" Interrupted a fourth familiar voice.


"Aye! Emma! Lads, be nice, she's with me."

"Where's Killian?" a voice grumbled.

"He fell asleep on you guys-" Suddenly all the voices erupted in laughter.

"What a ponce."

"He's such a git."

"Oh, cut him some slack."

Emma just sat in silence, trying to decide what to say.

"Emma, meet David, Kristoff, and Leroy – but we just call him Grumpy. Lads, meet Emma, a much preferred replacement of my little brother." Pretty much since the day Killian and Liam reconnected, there have been nightly gaming matches with a group consisting of a mix of their friends.

"Younger brother," Emma corrected. "Well, I'm sorry he fell asleep but you got me know, and I'm ready to destroy anyone who crosses our path!"

"I like her," David announced.

"Way more than Killy," Kristoff agreed.

"Whatever guys, let's just get this show on the road!" Leroy practically yelled into the microphone.

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