min sibling is coming

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yoonji"s p.o.v/your pov

ring ring ring!!!!!!'ughhh I have this day!!!!!'

'yoonji!!!!get ready we're gonna be late' yoongi said

'give me a minute old man!!!!'i reply with a smirk

'just wait u dumb girl'!!!!


'hyung I'm ready lets go already'


'yah hyung get ready old man!!!!'

'ugghhhh yoonji!!!!!! damn u girl!!!!!!'yoongi yell while i ran away to school smirking


me and yoongi are in the principal's office getting our schedule

after that we part our way to our class


lunch time!!!!!!!

I was about to open my locker but then a group of girls surround me with the smirk on there cake face

'hey their slut stay away from our yoongi oppa or else-'i cut her and said

'or else what? your gonna beat me with your minions cause your weak?'i said while tilting my head with a smirk

'you slut just stay away from yoongi oppa' the girl said I think its the queenka of the school

what a shame.

'sorry but I'm not a mirror to use always use for putting your cake make up' students are starting to crowd us and my older brother with his old friends bts

the girl or should I say cake face balled her fist, she was gonna slap me but she doesn't even know that me and my brother are the most dangerous gang in soul that's why we transfer here because we got kickout in our old school for beating teachers

I grab her wrist and twist it until she groan in pain or should I say scream for help

her minions and my brothers friend widen there eyes in the scene.

I pulled her hair and said

'try and mess with me' but then fight me with her weak fist but I simply move little and with that her face are on the ground all the students trying not to laugh at her weak body but failed but I shout and said

'shut the fuck up!!!!'and with that they shut there disgusting mouth

I walk to her and bend down to make a face to face with her and said

'don't mess the people that u don't even know their background or else I can make your little life In hell'

with that i walked away to the rooftop


Yoongi's p.o.v

yoonji walk away to no one knows where we followed her and end up in the rooftop we watch her sit in the edge of the rooftop listening to music that i don't even know

'hyung is yoonji is your sister? I can tell that her face and attitude is like yours'j hope asked

'yes shes my sister lets go ill tell u guys what happened in our old school' with that we left the rooftop and end up in our HQ(head quarters)

'so......'jhope started

'so were siblings me and yoonji is a most dangerous gang here in soul,were kicked out because she beat the kingass in school'

'how many kingkass?' jungkook ask

'30' I simply said

there widen there eyes


'you heard me right,just shut it and listen'

'so your curious why did she beat them because they tried to kill her best friend yumi,for being torture yoonji haunt them after yumi said the truth then after that i was walking in school cause yoonji's not with me but when I rich at the gate i can see crowd almost all the student are

then I realized that its yoonji beating all the kingkass

so that's why we end up here,yoonji and I was trained in 15 years in under ground fighting stage so that's why we called our selves the coldness'

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