| Knowledge is power, yet knowledge is risk | 3

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"Archturus!" Zorah's loud voice boomed through the throne room's contents

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"Archturus!" Zorah's loud voice boomed through the throne room's contents. At the very far end of the room, directly across from the doors- sat Archturus, in the golden throne that was meant for their mother. Surrounding her were at least 10 people, each a member of their royal council. Included, was Arina- who's eyes shot wide as she heard her best friend's voice.

Not even a moment after Zorah's voice was heard, did her footsteps follow along. It was quite clear that she had anger surging in her, which she did. All night she thought about what was revealed to her through smoke, and every second she got more and more pisses about it.

The very large wooden doors to the throne room opened, Zorah appearing as expected. Zorah tried to keep her cool, though she wanted to scream. The throne room was build up of four pillars on each side of her, a large open floor plan, followed by a large staircase leading to the golden throne. Around each pillar was a plethora of vines, flowers too.

"My dear sister, what is the matter today?" Archturus spoke, she too was trying to keep cool. The council of people seemed not to pick up on how strangely mad Zorah seemed to be, all except Arina. The girl looked at Zorah with a raised eyebrow, but Zorah only shook her head to say she was fine.

Zorah, now standing at the bottom of the large staircase, arms crossed. She wanted to scream, but mostly she wanted answers. And she knew she wouldn't get honest answers, with Archturus trying to impress to the council.

Zorah opened her mouth to speak, hesitating for a moment. Her and Archturus made eye contact, not breaking it. "Council, can my sister and I speak in private?"

Archturus looked calm, a little too calm in Arina's opinion. Arina always was the only person to question how lightly insane Archturus seemed to act, other than Zorah of course. But Arina was sworn to protect the throne, and she had to do just that.

Immediately after Zorah spoke the council began to do as their princess asked but stopped once Archturus raised her hand up- still keeping eye contact with Zorah. "Zorah, I am quite sure that whatever you wish to speak of, you can speak of in front of our lovely council." Archturus glared at her sister.

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