47. The Wedding

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I put on my light pink gown for the wedding. Eden's favorite color is pink so that means so is half the wedding.  I hear a knock and turn to see Ethan holding Ashton.

"Look at how handsome you look." I smile as I take Ashton from him. He was in a mini black tux with a light pink tie, Ethan was wearing the same thing.

"Glad I look handsome." Ethan mumbles and I roll my eyes.

"You always look good, that's why I'm with you." I laugh as I fix Ashton's tie.

"I would say something else but our three year old son is right here." He says and I already knew he was going to say something about his dick.

"You're going to drop me off at the church and you're taking him to the hotel?" I ask him making sure that's still the plan.

"Yes, it's not going to change no matter how much you ask." He chuckles since that's the third time I've asked him today.

I put on the jewelry that Eden wants me to wear and she said I could still wear the necklace Ethan got me. I still have to get my hair and makeup done there.

We get in the car and I strap Ashton in. He just got over his cold and has been getting more sleep so he actually was happy to be going.

"You excited?" I ask him and he nods furiously.

"Aunt Eden said I have the best job." He states and I laugh. Ashton is the ring bearer and he's been practicing with Ethan for a week now.

Ethan starts to drive and I thought I'd feel less stress since the planning is over, but now I feel more stressed. Everything needs to go perfect, I can't even imagine how Eden feels right now.

Ethan pulls in at the church. I grab my jacket that Ethan makes me take everywhere. He always says I look like I've never seen snow before by how I dress.

"I'll see you at the isle." He smiles and gives me a quick kiss. Since he's the best man and I'm the maid of honor we get to walk down together. Eden and Grayson thought it'd be cute since everyone knows we're together.

I get out and Ethan rolls down Ashton's window so I could say goodbye to him.

"I'm going to see you in a couple of hours okay? You get to go with daddy and hang out with all the guys." I tell him so he doesn't freak out that I'm not there. Ethan says he does it more now since I'm at work a lot.

"I know mommy." He says and I laugh. He thinks he knows everything and he's only three.

"Okay, give me a kiss." I say and I kiss him then go into the church.

I walk in and I see the alter. There must of been a million flowers in this thing. Her and Grayson did a great job picking out everything. I walk to one of the rooms in the church that they're letting us use.

All the girls had a drink in their hand and were getting their makeup done.

"Rae, your here!" Eden yells like she thought I wouldn't show up. She hugs me making sure not to mess up the makeup she has on.

"Ethan is on his way to see Grayson now. Everything is on time so far." I tell her hopefully calming any nerves she has.

"Good, now you need to get your makeup done." She demands and makes me sit in a chair. A lady comes up to me and starts doing my makeup.

I hate to say that I'm actually used to this. After Ethan and I dated for awhile, I started going to award shows with him and I always had to have someone do my makeup. Apparently you're not allowed to do your own or something

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