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As i exit the booming building i rush over to the edge of the street, waiving down a nearby cab. i hop in quickly without looking back though i'm sure none of them were coming after me anyway. they probably didn't even think i saw. the thought made me weak to my stomach as i imagined the scene in my head, thinking about what its escalated to right about now. i felt a jealous anger build up inside me, along with some sadness. but i knew this was nothing to cry over, the situation wasn't worth my tears.

I finally reached home and at this point i was almost sober. i hoped in the shower, brushed my teeth then went straight to bed. No lie my head was throbbing like a bitch. A part of me didn't want to go to sleep because i would have to be faced with tomorrows problems while on a hangover. Eventually i did slip into dream land with lots of worries on my mind.


i threw my head back as i felt his hot breath nearing my core, his warm tongue placing itself on my entrance in swift motions. soon his fingers replaced his tongue and i was a moaning mess. "fastser jungkook im so close". he obeyed my request, pumping his long fingers in and out of me "come for me baby" he said in a deep voice which pushed me over the edge. "im gonna-"

i shot up immediately heavily breathing as i rest my self against the beds headboard. i look down an see how a little wet spot on my sheets appeared.

"shit, i had another wet dream about that douche" i say while running my hands frustratingly over my face.

"who you calling a douche?" a voice says causing me to jump once again. i turn to my left and see a shirtless jungkook with a tray in his hands. he places the tray on the beds empty space. i pulled up the sheets to my chin in defense, and in hopes that he didn't witness my situation right now.

"w-whats this?" i say while shyly pointing at the tray, still embarrassed on this mornings events.

"my cure to a hangover" i look down to see a cup of ginger tea, pills, and a really big breakfast consisting of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage.

"all of that? you cooked portions that could feed like two people" i say with wide eyes. as if he expects me to finish that whole thing.

"exactly" he says before climbing onto the bed and taking a seat in front of me, the tray between us both. He hands me a knife and fork before stuffing his face with protien.

"dont just stare, eat up" he says while his mouth is full. i cringe slightly and just nod, beginning to pick up some of the delicious food and swallowing it. As i take a sip of the ginger tea i start to choke as i recall yesterdays events. Jungkook rushes over to the side of me and pats my back. "Are you okay?" he says worriedly. My attitude totally flips on him as the scene plays in my head once again.

"wheres. taehyung." i say through gritted teeth. Jungkook rubs the back of his neck and hesitates before speaking. "I-in my room" as he says that i get up from the bed, Jungkook flinches at my action. I slam my door open and make my way to the other side of the apartment towards Jungkooks room. Once i open the door i see a knocked out tae laying next to Jennie who is only in her bra and underwear. Without thinking twice i grab her by the hair, waking her up immediately.

"AH WTF owwwww" she whines as i am practically dragging her by her locks as if it were a leash. Taehyung wakes up just as he hears her cries and rushes out to the living room to see the commotion. I push Jennie down to the floor and continue to tug on her brown strands. Both of us had our hands intertwined in each others loose hair, knotting and pulling every visible piece. Not to mention i'm only in my undergarments as well, so in the perspective of Tae and Jungkook who stood shocked in the doorway, we probably looked like to desperate girls fighting for some dick. Which technically we were in a way.

"you slut, get out of my house!" i yell before pulling her back up by her hair. i drag her to the door, opening it and pushing her outside. Leaving her in front of my locked door almost completely bare. i turn around and exhale as i slid down the closed door, Jungkook and Taehyung still standing shocked in front of me. As i regain strength, i stand up and walk up to both of them.

"Taehyung, don't ever show up here with that little hoe on your arm ever again. oh and jungkook we're done. whatever it was. Don't worry your still my roommate just leave me alone from now on". I say while tiredly rubbing my eyes and walking back to my room.
"we fucked up dude" says Taehyung to Jungkook as Nara is out if sight.

"no shit". Jungkook just sighs before hitting the table in front of him out of anger. The next moment, he throws over a hoodie, grabs his keys and makes sure to slam the door on the way out.

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