The White Knight Part One

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Therius stood on the bridge and watched the fleet disapear into the cover of fog that rested on the ocean. You could barely see the water from the bridge, but the fog covered half of the island.  A silver curl fell into his face, and he pushed it away, suddenly remembering why he was even there. The Count had sent Therius to retreive Zael, the Savior of Lazilus Island. The man who would soon become a Knight and marry Lady Calista, the former Count's only daughter. The Count had important business with Zael, as he held a very powerful mark: The Mark of The Outsider. Zael would soon face The Tower of Trials; he would fight his way through many trials to be proved worthy of knighthood.

  Therius was the first to ever pass The Tower of Trials, and he was proud of it. He was honored to be the pupil of all of the land's finest soldier: General Asthar. The two were nearly an invincible pair. Therius had often fought alongside Zael and his friends, too. In fact, he had met Zael's friends before he ever met Zael himself. Syrenne was the first. The alchoholic female of the band of mercenaries. His first encounter with her had ended with the two drawing their swords, and being stopped from killing one another by the General. At that time, however, Therius did not have much respect for mercenaries, nor did he know the true potential the bunch held.He could see now, though, that they were capable of being excellent knights, and each had the heart and mind for it.

  Therius walked down the connecting bridge, which connected the great hall and the living area, and thought about how advanced the island was. The bridge, and the whole castle for that matter, had been built almost perfectly. Each brick and stone had been layed carefully and precisely. It was beautiful. As he walked through the door of the living area, he could see the statues along the hall, and was even more amazed.

 In the living area, three doors were lined along the wall. The door on the far end led to Lord Jirall's room. Lord Jirall was the man who had travelled from afar to marry Calista. The wedding, however, had been put off due to complications with enemy attacks.

  The door in the middle belonged to Lady Calista. Her room was large, and elegant, and filled with books and exotic birds. Therius had hardly seen her room, as he was rarely sent for her. The Lady had her own maids, as well, who attented all of the events she attented, and dressed her for everything.

 The last door, closest to the entryway of the ballroom, was Zael's. The room was usually used as a guest room, a spare for royals, such as Jirall, or nobles, the highest of the high, who came for special events. Zael had made it into the count's good book, however, and had basically been given the room. He still shared a room with the guys back at the tavern, but he seldom slept there. It was best to have Calista close so he could protect her.

  Therius had his own room, near the Count's, and the General's room connected. They were equally beatiful, and fit for even knights.

  Therius stood in front of Zael's room, and before he could knock, Zael flung the door open, and his band came out into the hall. Syrenne drew her head back and laughed loudly at something Therius had missed. Lowell soon emerged behind her.

  "Zael" Therius interupted, "May I have a word with you?" He pulled Zael to the side.

"What is it Therius? Is something wrong?" He would be prepared to fight at a moment's notice, no matter the news that Therius may deliver. "No," he answered, and paused. "The Count wishes to speak to you and your friends tonight, after the General returns from important business. He is expecting you all to arrive appropriately and on time. Do not keep him waiting."

 The tone in his voice was all too familiar to Zael. Therius was always serious, always 'commanded and commanding,' but it was his job, after all. He was never rude, but always to the point, and formal. If the General would say to him, "Stop calling me Sir, and relax, Therius!," he would reply, "Yes, Sir! Sorry Sir!" He was, how one would say, very dedicated to duty and knighthood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2014 ⏰

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