I'm trying not to be pissed off with a god I'm not even sure that I believe in
What right did fate have to do this to you, as young as you are?
The world was supposed to be full of options and choices and experiences yet to come
You were supposed to have time to do all the things you always wanted to do
I know I just met you but you were something to me, a friend
They were all the same machines tied to you as there are to me, all the same doctors and nurses
Why am I still here to have todays and tomorrows you'll never see? Why not you?
Eleven is too small a number, eleven isn't fair
But I'm glad, despite everything I feel right now, that I stopped and I spoke with you that day
I'm glad I got to know you and be your friend while I could and I hope you're glad too
I hope you got even the tiniest bit of bravery from our talks and emails
I know I gained a lot of bravery from you