Mad man.

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Sunlight beamed in through the window of your room and cast a warm light over the side of your face, your eyes slowly opened and adjusted to your surroundings. Your eyes followed the long arms that were wrapped around you, and you were met with the sleeping face of Michael. His hair had fallen onto his face so you gently tucked it behind his ear. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep, all the years of torment couldn't get to him when he was asleep. Your hand finds itself entangled in his hair, lightly stroking his scalp.

Michael hums in appreciation as he begins to stir from his sleep, he hasn't slept that well for years. Having you there with him helped immensely and he could feel an addiction forming. He opened his eyes and was greeted with a smile from you, he sure could get used to waking up to you. His eyes linger on your face, a slight smile on his face. "What are you doing?" You giggle slightly at his actions, Michael grins "I'm just admiring the view", you blush and hide your face in his chest. "Stop being sappy" he scoffs "I'm not sappy!". You roll your eyes and crawl out of your bed. You grab some black leggings and a hoodie and hobble towards your bathroom to change. You didn't plan on doing much today so you were clearly going to wear comfy clothes. You walked out and pulled out some old sweats and a shirt that belonged to an ex and handed them to Michael. "I don't know if these will fit because you're huge but it's all I've got for now" Michael lets out a laugh and goes to change.

You flop backwards onto your bed and sigh, you were still trying to process what's happened in the last day. Having Michael back was something you never imagined would happen, but here he was, changing in your bathroom. You are so grateful to have him back, he's all you've ever wanted. And you weren't going to let him go anywhere anytime soon. Michael walks out of the bathroom, the sweats fit him fine but the shirt was obviously too small, judging by the fact it was in his hand rather than on his body. " looks like I'm going to have to buy you some clothes that fit" you sigh and admire his torso, he had a somewhat muscular chest, though it wasn't very defined. He had wide shoulders and his collar bones stick out a lot. Sure he didn't have a perfect body but you fell in love with his mind and soul, not his body.

"I'm going to go into town to get you some clothes okay? You can stay here if you want. I will be a few hours at most" Michael nods and walks you to the front door, placing a quick kiss to the top of your head. He watched you get into your car and drive off from the window, once you were gone he rushed back up the stairs and threw on his jumpsuit. He was going to kill that prick from last night and he didn't want to wait any longer to do it. Michael grabbed his mask and pulled it over his head, he let out a breath as the cool mask came into contact with his skin, it was comforting to him. To be able to hide behind a mask, nobody knew who was behind it and he loved the power and the thrill of it.

Michael wondered around the neighbourhood, he had memorised the mans car and number plate, that way he could track him down without too much hassle. It took Michael around an hour to find his house. Michael looked into the window to the front room, there he was, sat on his sofa with some random slut on his knee. Michael grinned, two birds with one stone if you asked him. He crept around to the back of the house, he looked around and noticed there were no windows open, he cursed to himself and wiggled the handle on the back door. To his surprise, the back door opened. What idiot leaves their backdoor open? Michael couldn't tell. He walks quietly into the living room and watches from the door for a minute. They were both facing away. Excellent. Michael rushes over to the couple and grabs the girl by her bleached hair, a quick slash across her neck and she was out. The boy screamed and dashed for the door, Michael couldn't catch him in time and he took of running down the road, towards your house. Michael followed him, hoping you weren't home yet.

You struggled to open your front door with all the bags you had in your hands, you got Michael some shirts and more sweats to wear around your house. And you may or may not have bought yourself some more clothes. You drop the bags with a sigh when you manage to make it into your living room. You had just sat down on your sofa when you heard a frantic knock on your front door, there stood your ex, the same one who was here yesterday. "Why couldn't you take the hint to fuck off?" He looked frightened "you have to help me, he killed my girlfriend!" You couldn't even reply before he pushed his way into your house. Not even 30 seconds later, Michael bursts in through the door and grabs Toby. He hadn't even noticed you, he was so intent on killing this boy. Michael proceeded to stab Toby several times in the chest, Michael let his dead body fall to the floor with a sigh. "Michael" he froze. Shit you saw him. Michael was terrified. He didn't want you to be scared of him. He couldn't lose you when he just got you back.

The knife that was in Michael hand fell to the floor, he hasn't been this scared in a long time. "Are you hurt" you mumble quietly, Michael shakes his head no "good". You turn your head away and bring your hand up to rest on your other arm. It was a movement that you always did when you were nervous or uncomfortable. "Just get rid of him okay?" Michael nods and stutters out an "okay". He picks up the body with ease and swings it over his shoulder. You don't know where he plans on taking it but you don't care. You just wanted it gone.

Michael came back after a few hours, he was acting very distant. You sigh and look at him, "if you're going to do stuff like that just please try and keep it away from the house" Michael nods and pulls of his mask. "In the bag by the door is some clothes for you, go and get changed because I'm not going to cuddle with you while you're covered in blood" you shoot Michael a smirk as you talk. He grins and runs off to get changed. Michael was so glad he hadn't ruined things with you. He knew you always were into morbid things like him but he can understand that you were shocked by the sudden outburst.
When he walked back into the living room he immediately sat next to you and pulled you into his lap. He inhaled your sent and sighed happily. He sometimes wishes that things didn't play out the way they did, and he could of built a life with you. But this was his second chance and he was not prepared to let anything or anyone ruin this.

You rest your head on Michael's chest and grip lightly in his shirt. You were still a little spooked. You didn't care about what Michael did you just weren't expecting it. Michael looks down at you and presses a quick kiss to your lips. "I'm sorry i scared you" he mumbles, you smile up at him "it's okay, I know you didn't intend for him to run into my house" you looked down at your lap and knitted your eyebrows together. "Thank you for getting rid of him, he would of just kept on hurting people the same way he hurt me" Michael pulled you closer so him and lightly cupped your face in his large hands. "I would do anything for you y/n" he kisses you lightly on the forehead and looks back down at you. "You're everything to me and I will always be here to protect you". You didn't even realise you were crying but you were, Michael wiped your tears away with his thumb and moved you both so you were led on the sofa.

You felt so safe enclosed in his massive arms. His body was warm and soothing to you. You could feel your eyelids getting heavy. "Promise you won't leave me again?" You mutter, trying desperately to stay awake. Michael runs his hands through your hair as a form of comfort, "I'm not going anywhere". Michael looked down at your sleeping form curled into his body, it's almost like you were made to fit there, like a puzzle piece. You were the missing piece in Michael's life and it felt incredible to have that hole filled again. Anyone that came in between you and him would be slaughtered and he would make sure of it. But he also knew that it was only a matter of time before the people from Smiths Grove began looking for him. But he would be okay. He had to be. For you.

A/N:   Woah look at that! Finally got the update up 😂 I'm so sorry it took so long but here it is. Finally.

Thank you to everyone who left comment wishing my mum well, it means a lot to me and I appreciate you all so much ❤️

ALSO! This story now has over 1k reads! I never thought it would ever get that many. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my story.

Thanks for being so patient with me 😌

- PumpkinMilkTea ✌🏻

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