new school

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Your POV

Today is my first day at my new school. I barely woke up to my alarm but when my mom came bursting into my room and yanked my blankets off of me and screamed "WAKE THE FUCK UP", I was wide awake. I got dressed quickly, fixed my hair, did what I do, grabbed my bag, and headed out. I didn't have to walk far to get to my bus stop. I saw a bunch of kids standing together on the sidewalk so that's where I assumed I needed to be. About 3 minutes later, the bus came. I didn't know where to sit and everybody was staring at me which made my anxiety act up a bit. I just sat in a random seat towards the back and plugged my ear buds in and zoned out to my favorite song. That seemed to help me calm down a little bit. Not much time had passed and we were already at school. I could've walked if I knew it was so close. Oh well. I'll walk tomorrow. I stepped off the bus only to be tripped by some girl with short orange hair and raging bitch face. " where do you think you're going?" She said. This bitch isn't gonna mess with me right now. Nuh uh. I tried to walk away only to be held back. I didn't wanna make anything worse so I just stood there like an idiot as she gave me a lecture about how I'M the slut and she doesn't need me here. Alright I've had enough. "Whatever" I said. And pushed her out of my way. She started running after me with a few friends but I was faster than her. As I was about to reach the entrance to the school, I turned around to see how far away she was and I ran into somebody."shit". I fell on the ground only to be laughed at by everyone around me. Everyone except the person I ran into. I looked up to see a tall man with crazy blue hair, and a lab coat on. Hot. "S-sorry kid" he said. His voice made my spine tingle. He held out a hand to help me up and I took it. He's strong too. Damn. "W-who are you?" I asked. Sounding like an idiot. I never stutter. What the hell? "R-rick. Rick Sanchez. And you are?" "Y/n. Y/n l/n". I said. At this point Jessica had caught up and was just staring at me with that smug little bitch ass face. I looked over to her and she said, "hey, old man. Can you leave now? We have someone to beat up here". I was about to say some shitty comeback when rick said "Why don't you go home and shove your fingers up your tight little white bitch ass and leave her alone? Damn. I don't know why he was defending me but he sure was good at it. She just walked away like nothing happened. Whatever. " I better get to class" I said. Although I just wanted to get away from rick because I was getting pretty hot because of him.(nudge nudge. Wink wink) I was probably a blushing mess at this point. "A-alright. SeEEEeya around" he said. "Alright" I said. I walked into school and looked at my schedule. 1st period-math. Ugh I hate math. Whatever. (You'll notice you say whatever a lot. Deal with it). I walked into the math classroom only to see that orange haired bitch sitting in the front row. I scowled at her for a moment then went to the back where a boy with a hello shirt sat. I sat next to him. "H-hi. I'm m-morty. What's y-your name?" This kid stutters worse than rick. "Y/n" I said. Morty seemed nice actually and he was pretty cute too. We started talking more (because the teacher wasn't paying attention at all) and we eventually brought up going to each others houses. He said he'd ask his parents if I could come over today. I knew I'd have to sneak out but I'm used to it. We exchanged phone numbers and then the bell rang. Turns out I didn't have any other classes with Morty except lunch. Which isn't really a class but whatever.

~timeskip to when school is over and you're home now~

As i walked in the door, my mom yelled at me and said I'm grounded. I could honestly care less. I just went up to my room and texted Morty

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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