There Really Is No Such Thing As Ghosts

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  • Dedicated to To my passed sister Maya

     Has anyone ever told you that there's no such thing as ghosts?  And then you reply, "Yes there is"? Well, the person who told you that isn't wrong.  Technically, if you want to refer to ghosts, you would say spirits (and yes there is a difference between the two).  Ghosts are a pose figure that people have used for over centuries, in place of the word "spirit".  The correct definition of 'spirit' is, "A soul of a passed person, that can't let go of their forgotten past; Something that happened to that person that they need to fix, correct, or make right before they leave our side." 

     Now that we've cleared that all up. You need to know, if you are a writer, and you are going toard a 'horror story, ghost story' if you want your story to be accurate, and realistic, use the term, 'spirit'.  And as you probably guessed, for a unrealistic story use the term 'ghost'.

                                            -Thank You

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