Chapter 1

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Year: 1923
Courtney Gatsby

"Courtney, one of your dad's friends would like to talk to you!" My aunt yelled. I walked to the front door and saw a middle aged man standing there. I walked outside and shut the door. When it comes to my dad im protective.
"What's my dad's real name?" I asked the man.
"James Gats." He replied.
"Okay. Can i help you?" I asked.
"Im Nick Carraway! A good friend and you father's neighbor! Since he has passed i was reading his," Nick started.
"Wait, my dad is dead??" I questioned.
"Yes. He got shot. You didn't know or hear about it?" Nick asked.
"No! Why and who shot him?? When??" I started asking a bunch of questions.
"You know Daisy. Her husband Tom was having an affair with this married woman named Myrtle. One night Me, your father, Tom, Daisy, and my girlfriend Jordan were driving to a hotel. Tom, me, and Jordan drove up to a gas station. Myrtle lived there with her husband George. Tom told her that he would pick her up on his way back from the hotel in Jay's yellow car. After the hotel, Daisy was driving your dad's car with your dad. Myrtle's husband, George, was accusing her of having an affair with another man. She ran outside and waited for the yellow car. Jay and Daisy drove past the gas station. Myrtle ran out to the car when there was another car coming. She got hit by the car and your father and Daisy didn't even stop. When me, Jordan, and Tom drove by, we stopped at the gas station. Tom saw that the woman he was having an affair with was dead. George and Tom heard that the person who killed her was driving a fancy yellow car. Tom told George that that was Gatsby's car and he was probably having an affair with her. But Tom was actually having the affair with her. So George went to Gatsby's house and saw him getting out of the pool and shot your dad. Then he shot himself. Im sorry Courtney." He told me. I was a little shocked on what happened.
"Are you joking?" I asked trying to hold back tears.
"I wouldn't joke about something like this." Nick replied. I started to cry. I never talked to my dad but how could somebody do something like that??
"Now why are you here?" I asked.
"In your fathers will it said if anything happened to him i get to be your legal guardian. You get all of your dad's money, house, everything in the house, and the people that would serve him. You get to come with me!" Nick told me.
"Let me go grab some stuff! Please, come inside!" Nick walked inside and waited by the front door. I ran upstairs and got a few of my things. I didn't have much. "Bye auntie! Thank you!" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek and running out with Nick. Nick drove us to his house and my new house.
"You know how your dad had the extravagant parties with thousands of people?" Nick asked.
"Yes. Why?" I questioned.
"People still come over and throw their own parties just like Jay's. They don't fell the same to me but they look the same. Lets go over there." Nick said. Me and Nick walked over to my dad's house. Well, my house. I remember my way around when i went to visit him.
"Will you live here with me? Your my legal guardian and its such a big house i wouldn't want to live here all by myself! No cost! Pick any room you'd like!" I told Nick. He was surprised.
"You get your generosity from your dad. And i would love to! Thank you Miss Gatsby. You pick your room first then i'll pick mine. This is your house!"
"Please! Call me Courtney!" We walked up into my dad's room. I ran and jumped onto the bed. It was soft and smelled like my dad.
"Im guessing this is your room!" Nick said laughing.
"I'd like to be close to my dad!" I replied.
"Oh shoot! It's two o'clock! I told Daisy and Tom that they could come over for tea! Don't tell they your Jay's daughter and don't tell your mom that your her daughter! I adopted you from a foster home." Nick said as we ran over to his house. Right after we got inside we heard Tom and Daisy come inside. I sat on the couch and fixed my dress.
"Who's this?" Daisy asked looking at me.
"Im Courtney! Nick just adopted me!" I told my mother.
"You look familiar." Daisy added.
"I don't believe we've met before." I responded.
"Are you married?" Tom asked me.
"No. Im not. Everybody is trying to get me a boyfriend but i don't like many guys." I said.
"Courtney, can i talk to you alone?" Daisy asked.
"Sure." I replied getting up and walking into, im guessing, Nick's room.
"What's your last name?" She asked.
"No. The one from your parents."
"I don't know. All i know is i was dropped off at a foster home because my parents were too poor to care for me."
"I had a kid with Jay Gatsby when i was young. I named her Courtney and she would be your age. Also your with Nick. It all is adding up!" Daisy said.
"I wish i was Jay Gatsby's daughter! I would love to have all that money, the parties, the connections, the people, and his house. It's amazing! But im sorry! Im not your daughter!" I told Daisy.
"Im not sure if i believe you but okay." Daisy said as we walked out.
"I forgot i have to pick up my nephew from the train station! He's coming to live with us! He's your age and single! Come with me to pick him up!" Tom told me as soon as i walked out. I looked at Nick and he nodded. I knew Tom killed my dad but he didn't know i was his daughter so im safe.
"Okay. I would love to meet your nephew!" I said. Me and Tom got into his car and drove to the train station. "So, have you ever killed anyone?" I casually asked.
"What kind of question is that?"
"Im just trying to create conversation!" I replied.
"Yes. I told George Wilson to kill Jay Gatsby. He was trying to get my wife. I heard he has a secret daughter. When i find her, i will kill her. Now you still don't know who killed Gatsby or anything i told you." Tom said picking up a gun and pointing it at me.
"No. I don't know who killed Gatsby." I replied. He put the gun down.
"My nephew also is here for work. He's an investigator. He's searching for Gatsby's daughter but he doesn't want to kill her like i do." Tom said as we stopped. Tom hopped out of the car and ran over to a boy that looked about my age. He was tall and had brown hair and blue eyes. His hair was slicked to one side. He wore a suit and held a suitcase. "Ah! Mark!! Good to see you! This is Daisy's cousin's adopted daughter, Courtney! Courtney, this is my nephew Mark!" Tom said.
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Carraway!" Mark said taking my hand and kissing it.
"The pleasure is mine! And im Miss. Carraway." I corrected Mark.
"My apologies Miss. Carraway. How could a gorgeous girl like yourself be single?" Mark asked.
"Let's get going kids!" Tom said as we got back into the car. "So Mark, how's the investigating going?" He asked.
"Not so good. That's one of the reasons im out here. Im investigating Gatsby's house and i know her name is Courtney and is 18. Do you know if anybody bought Gatsby's house?" Mark questioned.
"Actually, i just bought Mr. Gatsby's house! Your welcome to look there!" I told Mark.

"Thank you Miss Carraway!" Mark replied.
"Please, its Courtney!"
"Thank you Courtney!" Mark corrected. I think i know how my mom felt when she first saw Jay. I fell this way with Mark.

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