Introduction In My Second Home

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First Chapter

Disco lights, dance floor, liquors, and DJ booth. These are the stuffs that I always encounter in my second home.

My name is Ian Jeffrey Nateson Taylor and I'm 22 years old. My friends call me Irrey or Iye. I don't have any brother and sister. I'm raised in a wealthy family and I can easily get anything I want. But there's an exception. I don't have a success in life and I always fail. My parents invested me a big amount of money for a business that I want, but after 5 months, the company was bankrupt.

(At my dad's office)

"Hey dad, can I request something to you?" I asked my dad with a smile.

"What is it?"Dad answered.

"Can you give me a position to our company in Manhattan? I will promise that I will be responsible to whatever position you will give to me and I will also promise that I will take care on our company." I requested to dad formally

"Let me think about that." Dad answered.

"Please dad? I know that this is a perfect time for me. I will promise that I will be responsible and I will do all I can to manage and I will make sure that our business in Manhattan will grow. I promised it dad, just please trust me." I begged to dad.

" TRUST?! HAHAHA!!! So you're talking about TRUST?! HAHAHA!!! You're so funny son." Dad said to me while laughing.

"I'm really serious about this dad. I really want to make that business on top. Just give me a chance" I said to dad.

"You already said that son. One year ago." Dad said in sarcastic manner.

"But dad?! Just please give...." I said uncompletely

"Stop it son! What do you want? You want me to give my trust to you? I give it already many times! But what did you do? You just waste it! You just broke my trust!" Dad shouted to me.

"Just give me a final chance dad. Let me built trust again for you dad." My final begged for dad.

"Too late son, its too late." Dad said then he walked out.

That moment was very depressing. I feel that my parents don't love me, so I decide to leave with my own. But I'm still going back at home every Sundays or if necessary as I promised to mom.

I decide to make a business a business, but I don't know what it would be. I consulted to my dad's business partners, to my friends, and to the professional consultants. They had a lot of ideas about it but it sucks.

I consulted to a lot of consultant until one day, I discover a kind of business that would really fit for me. It's a service business and it's for entertainment, it's a nightclub.

Nightclubs are really high profitable and aside of it, I know I would love this business. Going to a club is a part of my habit. I always go to clubs every night especially when I'm depressed. Me and my bestfriends are doing club hopping almost everyday. This is how we bond as a squad.

I named my club as "The Cave" and if you ask why? It is because the entrance of my club is like an underground type and my club is so gorgeous. My club is huge and it's a very high class club. Only celebrities, politicians, businessmen, and other rich personalities are the people enters in my second home.

Anyway, because I'm depressed and also as part of my daily routine, here I am again, spending another day in this wasteful life of mine. Nonstop drinking with my friends, flirting with random ladies, partying all day with no limits, and enjoying every night. From light to hard drinks, from chill to hype vibe, from very sad to very happy, and from stressed to enjoyed. This is the never ending cycle of my life.

I have a three best friends. Their name is John Anthony Anderson, David Matt Rickson, and Ryan Joe Savage. They finished degree in managing course. They are may bestfriends since were in senior. John, Dave, and Joe are my partners in crime. In talking, bonding, cheating, flirting, even in drinking and smoking, in all of a thing they were dependable and you can also trust them in all things. I considered them as my family in my second home.

(At my second home)

"So dude, whats the plan?" My best friend John asked.

"As usual, lets seat and chill." I answered with a smug face.

"Call the girls right now."

"Later for that Irrey, just listen first. I have something to tell you bros." John said.

"Guess what? My dad's company is planning to promote me to higher position." John announced in front of our whole squad.

"That's great." I agreed plainly.

"So guys I might be busy for the coming months. No more drinking sessions and beautiful ladies right now for me. So I'm hoping you guys will excuse my absence." John Add.

"Me too bro, we will be opening up another branch and I will be re-assigned." Dave, my second best friend, also announced.

"I also want to tell something. My dad is too old and he can't run our company. He said that he will promote as the CEO of our company." Joe, my third best friend, also announced.

"So no party for you also Dave?" I asked Dave.

"Yes definitely." Dave answered.

"How bout you Joe?" I also asked Joe.

"Definitely yes but I will go here if I have a free time." Joe replied.

"Well, that's nice. Good for you guys. If you have a free time or if you want someone to talk with, you know where I am." I said to them with a smile.

"Got it bro" John said.

"Call the waiter and lets get some drinks." Dave said to Joe.

I became silent in that moment. I don't know what I really feel. I'm happy for them but I feel depressed at the same time. My brothers will leave me here in my second home. They will become busy for managing their business.

So here I am, alone again.

Aside from being alone, I am depressed on what their positions right now. John, Dave, and Joe are now bosses in their company. They are successful. Unlike me, I'm still there drinking with no degree or even a job. I'm still stuck here as a loser in a group.

Why they got promotions easily? How did they make it easily? I did all my best to raised out of my position right now. Is my efforts not enough? Do I need to invest more? So what do I need to do? Or maybe I'm just born to be unlucky in business world?

This are the annoying question that I always comes in my mind. I'm so confused.

"Hey Iye." Joe said.

"Oh... Hey Joe" my response.

"Are you alright? It seems that you're thinking too deep. " Joe asked.

"Do you have a problem?"

"It's nothing bro, I'm just feel quite tipsy. Just don't mind me bro." I replied in silent manner.

"Are you sure bro?" Joe asked.

"Yeah bro. Im sure." I replied.

"Call the girls and let's enjoy this night. It's the last for now, lets make it memorable."


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