Chapter Two

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Your POV:

I stopped at the nearest gas station. I went inside into the bathroom with my bag of makeup.

As I walked into the store, I made sure nobody saw my face.

I looked into the mirror. My face wasn't too bad, but my right cheek was bruised quite badly. I covered it up and fixed everything else up so I didn't look like a hot mess.

My left arm had a couple of scratches, but nothing too big or noticeable.

I lifted my shirt up, and my stomach and waist were a dark shade of purple and even green.

I almost threw up just at the sight of myself. Sighing, I left the store and got back in my car.

I decided I was going to Houston, Texas.
By the time I could see the huge city, the sun was setting. Since I didn't have a place to stay and I didn't really want to spend money on a hotel, I decided to spend the night in my car.

As I reached the city, I stopped at a local store and bought a blanket.

I drove to a park that seemed to be quite lonely, and parked. I realized I hadn't ate anything today, but I was also too tired to go and get food.

Once I was somewhat comfortable enough, I locked my car and fell asleep.

When I woke up, the sun was only a little above the horizon. I turned on my car and drove around until I found a decent place to eat breakfast.

I had been to Texas before, but it had been a couple of years back. I really liked the place, so I guess that's a reason why I wanted to live here.

As I was waiting for my food to arrive, I pulled out my phone and looked for apartments.

Most of them were super fancy and had a good price, but the internet sucked. So, those wouldn't work out.

I kept looking as I ate my food.

After a while of searching, I found one relatively close by that had an amazing speed internet connection, a good price, and it looked pretty nice too.

It wasn't very fancy, but it also wasn't bad. It was good.

I decided to go and check it out after breakfast. I left five dollars as tip on the table and paid, then got into my car.

I put the location of the apartment complex into my GPS and got there in around ten minutes.

The area itself was pretty nice, and not too busy with traffic. It seemed rather calm. That was a good thing.

I met up with the owner to check the apartment out and immediately knew I had to live here. It was amazing.

It had a total of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and even a laundry room.

After all the paper work and paying, it was mine.

The good thing was that it was fully furnished. Even the rooms—two were bedrooms, and one was an office.

The bad thing was that I had left basically everything I owned at my parents house, and there was no way I could safely get it back to me.

I decided to unpack the things I did manage to bring with me, which took me about three hours. After I had everything pretty much put away, I got into my Twitter.

There were loads of tweets to me from fans asking if I was okay, and why I hadn't uploaded in so long.

It had only been a week since I last uploaded to my YouTube Channel, but I usually put up a video at least three times a week.

I wrote the following and posted it on my page.

"Hey everybody, I'm sorry I haven't been active lately. New video is going up tomorrow, explaining my current situation. Thanks for the support guys <3"

Not even a full minute had passed yet and my post was already getting a ton of re-tweets and favorites.

I put my phone down and decided to begin filming the video for my channel.

I got my camera setup in the living room, made sure the lighting was okay and it was focused, and pressed record.

After I explained what had happened and how I moved out to Texas, I gave a tour of my new place.

The only thing I left out were my parents.

My fans didn't know that I was abused, and I wanted to keep it that way.

I ended the recording, and got it ready to edit later on.

Feeling hunger starting to come upon me, I decided to go to the store and buy some groceries.

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